#10 & 1/2

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"There is not only one baby there is 2 and they are both girls!!!!!" Said the nurse I was in shick . Next thing I notice is I'm crying and Jack is hugging me. We get the pictures and went home. I walked through the door and Kyra comes running up to me. She grabbed the pictures and screams. "There is 2 of them." Then all the boys come down stairs and pass the picture around. Nash asked me are they boys or girls ?" GIRLS" Me and Kyra started doing a happy dance. I walked outside and started calling my mom. My dad died when I was little so I dont remember much about him. She picked up.


M-hey honey how has the baby been?
C-Good but I have to tell you something.
M- oh god what is it.
C-its girls
M-you mean they are twins?
C- yep I can't wait.

Then she hung up. I think she might be mad. When I first told her she was mad because me and jack aren't married yet but oh well she will get over it. I got a call from Shawn. "Chloe you need to get to the hospital right niw Kyra is in labor. And she wants you." I didn't know what to do so I got in the car and drive there.

Sorry it's short I'm tried and have been having a bad week sorry

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