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So today we get to take the babies home. Late last night Jack has to go home and pack because thus morning they started another tour. Its gonna be so hard taking care of 3 kids all by myself. Hayes saif he would help and so did Cam but to be honest i dont think they know much about kids. Kyra and Shawn have been gone for a week now. They went all the way to Florida. After we got home Hayes and Cam took the babies and put then to sleep. I went to go lay down to since i was tired too. My phone went off so i answered it. Someone was saying i had to go to the court house but they wont tell me why. I walked down stairs to see Cam and Nash about to smack cam a sleeping Carter. "Wait!" they looked at me and Carter woke up. "Guys i have to go to the court house gor some odd reason so will u be ok with the babies or do i need to take them?" Then Brennon started crying. "I can take Brennon with me ic you guys want. The gurls will probably sleep for about another hour or 2?" They just shook their heads. I ran upstairs to the babies room and grabbed a onesise (in the pic) for Brennon. I grabbed Brennon and went to my room. I put the onesise on him and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and purse put him in his car seat said bye to the guys and got in the car. Once i got there the girl that called me took me to her office and said she had special news. Once we got in her office i seen 2 others girls in the room. All i was thinking was wtf. And who are these people?

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