[Chapter 7: Rogue]

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"Changbin? What's your weird ability?" She said, it was almost a whisper and soon, she got a bit louder. "I don't think I can sleep anyways. Would you tell me?"

He smiled and scratched his neck.

"I'm not the best to talk about this, but if you want I can." He waited a moment and laid down in the bed. His voice was calm and soothing, but he spoke with conviction "Some of us would probably explain with comic books or anime references."

She laughed wondering who would "I'd probably get them. I don't sleep much and read a lot of those."

She lowered her head and mimicked his motions, also laying down on the bed, still hugging the plushie.

"I'll start with them, then. Most of them can control what they do. Seungmin can walk through walls, or even people. That's weird-weird. Don't let him do it if you can avoid it.
Hyunjin can fly, like levitate and he's learning to make other things fly too. Jeongin can be invisible. Felix is good with computers. Really good. Like they talk to him somehow, I don't know."

She nodded. She was thinking on a few comic books characters. We have X-Men's Kitty, Angel or Nathan Petrelli, Susan Storm and a technopath. Cool.

"Minho is a mind reader. He usually doesn't say what's he's listened, so he may laugh out of nowhere. Sometimes he might forget if he heard something or if someone actually told him. But he's a decent secret keeper.
Han controls fire, and can actually ignite anything out of nowhere. Even himself."

She nodded again. Professor Xavier and Pyro.

"I have two. I can sense a person's emotions. If they're sad, happy or angry, I know. But also if they want to flee the room and don't trust me."

Emotional reading.

Allyson could feel her heartbeat slowly calming down as he talked. Something in his voice calmed her. Maybe he had emotional control and didn't even know it. She didn't want to flee now. It was nice that she had somehow found other people like her.

"But here comes the bad part." He turned his head to look at the ceiling. "If I touch someone, or someone touches me, I drain their energy. I hurt them without being able to stop. So, yeah. It sucks."


She had a thought.

A feeling.

And suddenly she was out of the bed and moving towards him. Snorlax laid forgotten in the bed where she was just a second ago. Changbin sat down and opened his eyes, alarmed. The emotions he got were confusing. She was standing right by his side. Too close.

"Nothing hurts me... Believe me, I've tried many things." She closed her eyes, but could feel his stare. "Maybe you could hurt me."

She raised her right arm and just touched his left cheek.

He was too stunned to do anything, but blush.

They locked eyes.

He didn't feel his ability doing the thing.

To her it didn't hurt. Not a bit.

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

The door burst open and Bangchan walked in drying his hair with a pink towel. He had a black shirt and shorts. She dropped her hand like she was burning. But the only burning was on her face and ears.

"Do you want to take a shower, Ally-ah? There's clean towels in there. It can help you sleep better."

She nodded and flew the room holding Changbin's hoodie.

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