Vlog #126 | Hiding feelings part 2

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y/n pov

we're in set and somehow natasha Romanoff is my bride. marvel decided to settled down natasha to my character and make a lgbt scene history. let's just say natasha and banner didn't made a great impact while fans ship my character to her more then they ship her to rogers.


i held Scarlett's hand to put on the ring and i honestly felt like it was real

"take this ring as a sign of my genuine and real love for you" i mumbled completely going off script making an improvise scene to finally say what i truly feels about her

i put on a ring on her finger and i honestly just catch my self crying for some reason

"take this ring as a sign of my love for you..i will love you no matter what" Scarlett stated putting a ring on my finger also improvising a scene

"i love you...." i mumbled swallowing thickly looking directly at her eyes as she held both of my hands

"i love you too......even behind your back" she responded before we slowly leaned closer to each other locking our lips together both of us with close eyes as her hand rested behind my neck while i hold her jaw. her tears dripping down her cheeks.

"cut" the director says as the staff clapped their hands

well...we didn't stop kissing. we're just both lost in the moment

"you two can stop now" the director added laughing and we just both pull away chuckling

"that was a really great take!!! that's much more than realistic! and the lines!! god you two really has chemistry! that's amazing! how can you two connect like that and make your own lines???" the director asked walking towards us

"well... I'm a writer" i chuckled but i just hope Scarlett knows how real and how genuine iam when i was saying those vows

"and I'm a actress" Scarlett added which actually at some point disappoints me

"that was really good congratulations you did a great work" he says before leaving

i just took a deep breath face Scarlett

"I MEAN IT" we both say at the same time both looking nervous


scarlett pov

"hey can you tell me what's wrong?" i asked worried watching y/n drown herself on bottles of different liquors while tears are dropping on her eyes non-stop

"you hurt me" she mumbled crying


"you treat me special and it's nothing???" she asked still sobbing wiping her tears before chugging a bottle of vodka as if it was water

"of course it's something..." i responded hesitantly thinking if she would remember this conversation

"i know you're used on leaving...but how about me.... I'm not..stop playing with my feelings..please" she stated begging before

"do you....love me?"

"IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION??? YES, I FUCKING LOVE YOU. Scarlett come on just tell me if you love me or not so i can stop chasing you...so i can stop hurting my self all for nothing"

"i-i...love you"

"Then why did you choose him?" she asked seriously her eyes full of disappointment before dropping on my chest and snore quietly

"because i thought you will never love me" i whispered with a sigh

y/n pov

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