Chapter Thirty- Seeker Ruins

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Chapter Thirty- Seeker Ruins

It's amazing that Nathan was able to pull it off. Nathan had somehow opened a rift with the help of Vincent into the Seeker dimension.

"This is going to be dangerous, stay together unless you want to die," Nathan told us. "Erin, feel free, Equivalent, that's not an option."

Erin growled at Nathan and tightened his grip on my hand. Nathan smiled slightly. He seemed to love making Erin mad. Erin sure bought right into it.

Zeke and Nathan were the first to step through to the Seeker world and Erin and I the last. I'm not sure what I expected to see but what I found in front of me was not it.

I gasped, not a coherent thought running through my head as I looked around. Ruins, that's all it was, but maybe I wasn't being smart enough to realize just what that word meant.

"Is this really where you came from, Nathan?" asked Zeke.

"Where my parents did, yes. This world's chaos is all I've ever known," he explained.

"What exactly is this place called?" I asked.

"There's not a very clever name for it, but it's called Dark Realm. Its one of the only realms that won't crumble if someone was to step into it after so many years. Most of the other realms have gone past fallen apart. It would be impossible for anyone to step in them without the entire realm collapsing." Nathan explained in length. "Plus, this one has significant value. This was were it all started and ended. Not to forget the home of the many important Seekers."

"Was this where your family came from?" Zeke asked tentatively.

"Yes," Nathan answered simply, looking back at me with such sadness.

I didn't know what it was like to be in his position at the slightest. I may have lost my parents but I had the pack, my species wasn't completely wiped off the face of the universe. Nathan was all alone, physically and mentally.

"I'm sorry," I couldn't help but blurt out, letting go of Erin's hand and touching Nathan's shoulder. I couldn't help but notice the symbols lining my right arm. This is what he had left, us as the Equivalent but after this, what would he have?

"Don't be," he said. "I wasn't old enough to know this world. The realms were gone before I could remember, this isn't my world like the other one is."

"It's still a sad sight."

"So, if this is a ruined realm, what is that light?" Aidan asked.

All of us looked toward where he was faceing to see a light shining on the horizon, bold amongst the red sky.

"That's where the Torevez Castle used to be before it was destroyed. This place shouldn't be inhabited. We need to find out what's over there."

I looked at Erin for a minute, Nathan and Zeke already running for the light before following suit after them. Whatever this was, it could lead to what their purpose really was. What the Equivalent was set out to do.


"What is that?" Xavier asked softly, looking toward the light.

"It's a Seeker globe," explained Nathan. "They're used as recording devices, generated by a Seekers internal powers. Only certain Seekers are--were able to create them."

"How do we access was placed on it?" I asked.

"Only another Seeker can access it."

Nathan reached forward and touched the light. He flinched as he touched it as if it hurt him. When he pulled away, the light broadened and tuned into something like a screen.

A woman and a man appeared on the screen in a cobblestone-walled room. The girl had golden brown hair and he guy had dark hair and green eyes.

"If anyone watches this, you must know by now that this world is ending," the girl said.

"Or it's already over," the boy said.

"Quiet Dylan and let me talk. The only one who should be able to access this after the Seeker world ends is the Equivalent Seeker. And if this is you who is watching this, it is important that you listen to what I am saying. If you don't know who I am, my name is Jay Torevez and this is my husband Dylan. We are the ruler of this realm and I am the the Light Saver. By now, this castle and the land around it will be only ruins. This has to do with your job as an Equivalent, or Equivalents if you have already found the others.

"Antonisious is a great man, though evil in his ways. Dylan and I both know what the Equivalent were born to do, we created you. It is important that you take down Antonisious, he shouldn't have lived through our downfall, he should have gone with his brother and the rest of the Creators.

"We made you for this, you need to find Antonisious and take him down, if you don't, our death would have been for nothing. Your mother's death would have been for nothing, Nathan."

I looked to Nathan but he stayed staring at the image as she continued to talk until a crash interrupted.

"Jay, it's starting," Dylan told his wife, grabbing a sword from beyond the image. "We have to go."

"Okay, it seems like it may be our time. Don't let us die in vain, Equivalent, the entire race of Seekers and supernatural will perish if you don't act. Good luck to you and please, we're counting on you all to save the rest of the supernatural races."

The image shattered as the place shook again and disappeared, the light leaving as well.

"That was the last thing Jay and Dylan ever did," Nathan told them. My mother said that they died that day, the castle collapsed and with them inside. Their daughter was the only one to make it out, she was about sixteen that day. No one ever saw her again."

"Do you know what happened to her?" I asked, gripping onto Erin's hand.

"Katty Toerevez probably died before the war ended."

"So you're really the last one," Xavier more stated than questioned. "Really must suck, and the only one who will ever understand you is the one we have to kill before he kills the rest of us like he did the Seekers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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