Chapter Twenty-Nine- Safe

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Chapter Twenty-Nine-Safe

"I know you want to stay with me Erin, but this world we live in doesn't work to where I can guarantee you won't die," I told Erin sadly, standing on the other side of the room from him to stop temptations. "You have to go back to the pack and lead them, you can't follow me."

"Leaving you isn't an option Lilly, it will never be one of our options. You are my mate, we consummated our bond in this room just last night. I can't and I won't leave you to the uncertain future without me by your side."

"I can't let you come with us," I  whispered painfully, my wolf pushing at my resolve. She's newly mated and doesn't want to be separated from her other half.

Erin walked toward me, still naked from last night, me being in his shirt, and wrapped his arms around me. Being this close to him made me tremble in want that I could only suppress when he wasn't close.

"You are my mate," he whispered seductively in my ear. "I love you far more than the pack, I put you before them because without you there is no me."

"Erin, stop . . ." I tried to convince my own self but failed. "I can't chance you being hurt."

He pulled back and placed a tender kiss on my lips. "It doesn't matter what happens to me as long as I'm with you."

"Lilly, Zeke needs you downstairs, someone is here . . ."

Vincent growled as he realized that I wasn't alone. "He should not be here, we both know he shouldn't be here!"

"Well he's here, and that's that. Now who's here?" I asked.

"Come see for yourself," he said before sighing. "Nathan's not gonna like this."

I took Erin's hand and followed Vincent down to the first floor. Zeke and Nathan sat on a couch together with a man in a long cloak looking suspiciously between the guys and the room itself. There was also two guys on the far side of the room by the door, looking ready to bolt if it came to it. They looked very different from each other. One had dark midnight hair and the other blonde-white. The one with black hair had dark tan skin and brown eyes while the one with white hair had blue eyes and light white skin. There seemed a chasm in between them though they were feet within each other.

"Lilly, good you're here," Nathan started and stopped short when he saw Erin. "And him too I'll be speaking to you about him later."

The cloaked man got up from the couch and the two guys by the door walked to either side of him almost on command.

"Hello Lilly the Werewolf Equivalent. It's good to finally meet you even though it is not under the best circumstances." The man looked over at Zeke and Nathan before his eyes came back to rest on me. "My name is Xavier, the Supernatural, and this is Riley and Adian, the Angel and the Reaper."

"Wait, Zeke, I thought you said they didn't know who they were?" I asked, looking over at Zeke.

"We had a dream," said Riley, not allowing Zeke to speak for them. "It showed us the world, our world's, in flame, a man in black shadows standing over the flames, his eyes red and blue at the same time. I heard the voice of my long dead mother telling me that I was an Angel Equivalent. I watched as my arm filled with those signs and knew her words were true.

"She told me to find the other Equivalent, just as Aiden's dead brother and Xavier's dead wife did. We found each other and came to find you, the other Equivalents."

"We have traveled from all over the world to find you four, Vincent, Nathan, Zeke, and Lilly." Aiden looked at them all in turn as he said their names. "I came from Japan, Riley from Paris, and Xavier from London. We came to complete our mission and save the Paranormal world."

"Thank you for coming," I said and came forward to shake their hands, Erin staying in his place.

"Well of course, we can't stop Antonisious without the help of the Werewolf, Warlock, Vampire, and Seeker." Xavier smiled at her, but it was only for a moment before his face was like stone once more.

"The first step is complete," Nathan said as he stood and looked at me.

I nodded and walked back to Erin who was standing looking at Nathan with distrust. As soon as I was at his side he wrapped his arms around my waist and calmed considerably.

"And the next step?" Riley asked with a raised brow.

"It's time we visit the Seeker world ruins."

"The Seeker realms were all destroyed in the great war. Is there even a way to cross into their destroyed dimension?" Xavier asked Nathan.

"If you forgot, I am a Seeker, leave it to me, I'll get us there. But I will warn you," Nathan started. "It's very dangerous, I have no idea what has been lurking in the ruins for the past years since the war. I don't suggest he comes with," he told me.

"I will stay with my mate," Erin stated, tightening his grip.

"Alright, it is your funeral," Zeke responded with a clap of his hands.

Only going into the Seeker world will really tell them what they were going to face.

The Machines We Are (Previously Mate's Mine)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz