Chapter Eight- Memory

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Chapter Eight- Memory

Erin's POV

I let out a distressed howl into the cold night air, as I gnashed my teeth in anger as Dustin recounted what Lilly said to him. Dustin sat on the back steps in human form talking to my angry pacing wolf. I was amazed he was still sitting talking to the angry wolf that may pounce at him at any moment.

"She told me that they knew her name before a mental wall blocked our connection," he explained.

My wolf growled again. 'You said she sounded breathless and pained?' I asked through out link.

"Yeah, what did you find on her disappearance and the wolves who took her?" he asked.

I remembered all too well of the brown wolf barking at the black one who took off in her direction. After I made an easy work of the two I tracked her scent of honey and rose to a cold end where I found a small amount of her fur and her scent mixed with two others. That's when Dustin linked me telling me about his talk with Lilly. I wanted to follow her scent and find my lovely mate but I knew better to have an insight to where she went. Plus my father already had a team searching for her fresh scent around the territory. So far results have been negative or stale. It only made my wolf whine harder, he's become a huge softie since her wolf accepted mine.

'Only that the Rogue Pack took her,'

"Erin, come on bro, shift so we can talk," Dustin tried. "I'd rather talk to you when I know you won't tear my head off in a second for saying it."

I let my wolf take care of the glare that seemed to say everything. Dustin raised his hands in surrender at the wolf that sat before him.

"Alright, chill! Why don't you try to mind link her again?" he said.

I flicked my ears as I tried to reach through the thick barrier that stood between me and my mate. Pain filled my head as I did so and backed away from the wall, shaking my large head to clear the pain that probably near sent her into unconsciousness. I whined out loud at the thought.

"What's wrong, is she ok?" he said worry coating his usual smart ass voice.

'I don't know, I can't get through,' I growled.

"We have to do something, Erin, we can't let them hurt her like we know they will," Dustin's grey eyes pierced mine.

'Why do you care do much about my mate?' I asked catching at his tone of worry that I've never known him to own.

"She'll be Luna of this pack, I don't want anything bad to happen to her," he was hiding something that he wasn't telling me.

'Nothing will- no one will hurt her as long as I am here.'

Lilly's POV

I once again tried to remove my blood soaked wrists from the silver cuffs that bound me to the chair. Once again my blood wasn't slippery enough to allow my wrists freedom. Instead I bit back another blood curling scream and replaced it with a painful yelp. My breath was fast as I panted as tried to let my wrists take a break from their constant burning and torment. My blood dripped from my wrists to the silver to the clothes that were not mine to the chair and then the floor. I was more than glad Erin couldn't feel what I was going through. I couldn't let this hurt him as it hurt me.

'Come on, Lilly you can do it, our mate needs us,' my wolf begged. Apparently they took my connections to everyone but my wolf.

'I can't it hurts so bad.'

'You must keep trying, think of your family, of Seth, of Erin. They need you to fight or all of their hard work will of been in vain.

'Ok, I'll try it one more time.'

Once again I set my wrists to work, twisting and pulling them from the bounds. I let out a low whimper as I cut through my skin, the burning giving more blood from fresh wounds. I gave up again and slumped back in the chair in defeat and exhaustion.

"I figured you would give up or cut your hands off sooner or later." I wanted to tear the man to pieces do bad but as he came from the darkness I knew there was no way.

"Let me go, there is nothing special about me that could be of use to anyone but my mate," I said weakly.

"Oh, but you do, I need you Lilly, stand beside me, be my mate, this could all be a thing of the past."

"You will have to kill me before I'll do anything you want me to do, you can beat me as easy as a mouse, but you can't beat Erin," I snarled.

His hand reached out slowly and brushed my hair behind my ear exposing my neck and face. I didn't try to flinch away, even when he brought his face in front of mine.

"If I were you, I would stop fighting me and just give in. All you are doing is torchureing yourself and leaving scars on your skin. I don't like seeing scars on my mate especially scars that she caused herself. Your father would be ashamed."

"My father is ten times the man you'll ever be, he would be proud that I'm trying to get away from you. I am not your mate and never will be, so get that through your thick skull," I snarled visiously at him.

His hand wrapped around my neck while the other one carresed my cheek. "I could take you right here and now, but I'll be the nice guy and let you decide your own truth. You can be with me and no more people need to be hurt. Or you can believe that you will never be with me and I'll make sure every one you love is dead."

He released my neck and started to back away. "You better choose what you believe in Lilly before I have to choose for you. And trust me, my choice will be for my own pleasure, not for your well being."

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