Chapter Nineteen- Arguments

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Chapter Nineteen- Arguments

"Lilly, wake up... please, baby I need you to wake up!" I hear Erin's voice break through my sleep.

I gasped opening my eyes to find myself in Erin's lap, Dustin, and his parents standing around me. Last I remember was Nathan talking to me....

"W-what happened," I croaked out, goddess my body hurts.

All four of them seemed to sigh as I spoke, Erin brushed the hair from my face.

"Nathan, he put you to sleep somehow and we thought you wouldn't wake up," Erin whispered.

"Is that why I hurt so bad?" I asked as I tried to sit up but Erin's arms kept me down.

"Don't try to get up, sweety, you're not strong enough yet," Jacob told me.

"You're all creeping me out, what happened while I was out?" I asked looking directly at Erin as his mom, Jacob, and Dustin did.

He glanced at each of us in return, "What?!"

"Tell her!" Dustin near yelled at his brother.

Erin growled in a flustered tone before turning to me, "Can I talk to her alone?"

The three mumbled a reply before scrambling out of the room, I then noticed the missing door. I pointed towards it, "Explain?"

"I had to knock it down to get to you, but that's not what I have to talk to you about." I waited patiently as he took a deep breath before beginning. "The night your parents died, by the time we got there it was at least four hours after the attack. We found the house a total disaster, not a room spared from the wreckage. We didn't just find your parents dead, there was two wolves and a little girl."

"What are you talking about?" I asked sitting up against the head board.

"We found you, you were cold as a rock, you were dead, I didn't realize you were my mate until I touched your face."

"How in the world was I dead, I'm sitting right here!" I near screamed.

He kept his eyes from meeting mine. "You were dead, then I touched your face and you suddenly took a gasp of breath. You were dead for close to four hours and suddenly when I touched you your heart beat, your blood pumped, your lungs breathed. I knew you were my mate when that happened, your smell made my mouth water, sparks flew up my arm, I wanted you more than anything at that moment. I don't even know how that happened, I was a year away from my wolf and three years away from being able to tell the scent of my wolf. I was the only one who knew you were dead, I was the first to see you, to this day only I and Seth knew about your death."

"Tell me your promise," I blurted out.

He looked up at me shocked that I knew about it, "did he tell you?"

"Which he?" I replied.

"The bastard who did this to you," he snarled making me wince.

"Yes," I whispered.

"I can't tell you," he said.

"Why?" I snapped my head back to him.

"Because I can't, it's against my promise to Seth to tell you," he replied.

"What else do you know that I don't?"

"I should ask you the same question," he muttered.

I was silent, staring at him with a raised eyes brow.

"I could feel you hiding something, Lilly, you're blocking me from your mind so I won't know."

'Everyone has secrets,' Nathan's words rang loudly in my head.

"It's not something I can share," I replied.

"Lilly, we can't keep doing this to each other. We're supposed to be mates for the moons sake! Mates shouldn't hide things from eachother, it's not in our nature to do so," he told me.

"They wouldn't be dead! Okay, are you happy!" I yelled as tears came to my eyes. "If I would have just listened, if I listened, they wouldn't have killed my mom, they wouldn't have killed my dad! I was always the target, if I let them take me Seth wouldn't've died the way he did! It was always my fault and now I'm sitting here helpless while the people I love are dying to protect me!"

"That's not it and you know it!" he argued. "Don't let Nathan get in your head and try to tell you that."

"He doesn't have to," I muttered as I stood up and stormed from the room near running down the stairs and grabbing my keys before heading out the door to my truck.

"Where are you going?" Erin asked from the porch.

I looked over my shoulder as I reached the drivers side. "My dads house, I have to do something," I told him.

"Not without me," he said as he started to decend the stairs. I held up a hand to stop him.

"No, I have to do this by myself," I told him. "Plus you have to return to your Alpha duties, I can't be your distraction. I'll be back in a few hours, I'll be fine."

"I won't let you go alone," he stopped as I opened my door.

"I'm not alone, I have my wolf and I have my dads presence, that's enough protection for me," I said as I started up my truck.

"Alright," he said backing up as I pulled my door shut and started to drive away.

I had to clear my mind, this was the only possible way I could without Erin guarding my every second. Plus I did have to do something, I needed to be in that house to do it.

-READ THIS! DUN DUN DUUUU! Not really, I just had to do it. Also to sum up what happened in that past second that you are unaware of;

Dustin, Jacob and His mate heard absolutely nothing from the door to the conversation between Erin and Nathan. Some enchantment Nathan did to the surrounding so no one would bother him as he talked to Erin, or whatever. No! He can't do spells! They rushed up when Erin yelled through family link that something happened to Lilly, Dustin growled at the fact that something happened. When he (Dustin) said tell her, he meant about the promise, but as you can see he's sworn never to tell. Sorry guys you'll have to find out by yourself. That sums it up mostly except another fight the brothers get into about protecting Lilly, stupid protectiveness.

Next chapter will be really long. Thank you my sweet angels 1.2K!!!!!!!!!!!

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