Chapter Twenty-Three-Searching

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Erin's POV

I felt the wall go down, blocking me from my mate, I cursed slamming my fist into a near by tree, it cracked under the force while I felt nothing. She closed her mind even before she blocked me out, I saw nothing but blackness and heard on inaudible whispers. Dustin still sat in the passenger seat of the car, we were on the outskirts of Arizona, about to lead the state and pack behind. I was going off mate instinct to find her. My wolf was biting at me and leading me to California.

'Erin, calm down, I can see your wolf jumping out of your skin, we will get no where if you let him out. We have to get back on the road,' Dustin said through the link.

I sighed turning back to the car, he was right, punching a tree won't save Lilly from Alpha Nathan.

Unknown POV

"Master, ours members have caught sight of the Equivalents," came the voice of one of my men.

"Where?" I asked.

"Parris manner, it seems they have found another one of them," he spat the word as if it was poison.

I turned on him and snarled at him making him flinch farther into the shadows. "One of 'them' is to be your new queen, you will show respect or I can make you disappear."

"But, sir-"

"You will show respect, I plan to attack in three days, fail me and you will be sorry," I snapped before turning away dismissing him.

"You will be mine, my darling, and once I have you there is no way to escape," I assured myself. She would be mine in no time, back to where she belongs at my side. And this time it won't be her 'wild dreams,' it will be reality. My reality, her reality, the Paranormals will pay and without her; they are nothing.

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