Chapter Three- The New Alpha

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Chapter Three- The New Alpha

I left my truck in the drive of my/Seth's house and walked to the square as most other wolves did. My house was dark so I figured Seth was already heading or in the square. My Wolf seemed to whine with every step that brought me closer to the square, as it came in sight she was near screaming.

'What is it?' I asked her. She didn't have a name because her name was mine.

'I don't know, but something's going to happen, I can tell,' she whined.

'Is it because it's our birthday? Is it our mate?' I asked.

'I don't know...' she replied and went silent except for her light cries.

I stopped in the shadows of a building that allowed me to get a full view of the stage that sat at the center of the square. I sented the air trying to find Seths scent among the many, but I instead found myself scenting a whole new addicting scent. The scent of pine and mint. I didn't dare follow it, I stayed where I was as I watched Alpha Jacob mount the stage.

"As you all know it's been over 6 months since my oldest son, Erin, turned 18. Every one also knows that 18 is the age of turning that allows the Alpha's first son acquires all of his full Alpha abilities. Tonight I will be happy to inform you that I will be stepping down from my position as Alpha of the West Falls pack. My oldest son Erin Alexander Chase will be taking my place."

Applause erupted through the square as the young prince took the stage to stand alongside his father. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He had pure black hair same as his brother and father, completely black eyes and the skin tone that matched all of us.

'Mate, it's our mate, he's our mate!' my wolf howled inside my head. As if hearing my wolf his black eyes locked with mine, a tiny bit of dark grey swirled with recognition in them. There was no longer applauding wolves, or a stage, or the old Alpha, just me and him.

Until a ear piercing howl pierced the night. I knew instantly who the howl belonged to, and fear became the only thing I felt. I turned on the heel and raced in the direction of the howl. The direction of my house. I ran as fast as my human feet would allow trying to ignore the pain I felt for leaving my mate. I soon found myself at my front door, in the second it took for me to open the door I heard the rushing footsteps that followed me. I opened the door and my fear became known.

Lying in the middle of the front room floor, blood pooling around him, was Seth. In an instant I was kneeling by his side trying to check for any pulse. A pulse fluttered in vain beneath my fingers.

"Seth! Please wake up!" I yelled at him.

His blood shot blue eyes shot open and his bloody hand grabbed my wrist making me jump.

"It's not me they were after," he rasped.

"Who's they, Seth please tell me who's they?!" I asked frantically.

"The rogues, they killed your parents and tried to do the same to me. Your parents and I weren't the target. You are the target, they want you..." he glanced at someone over my shoulder. "Don't let them get to her, they'll hurt her, don't let them hurt her. Lilly they were watching you, they thought you were here because of your truck, they were going to take you-" a silent growl emanated from someone behind us "-but I was here."

Seth coughed to the side his saliva filled with blood as he coughed it out from his mouth.

"I'm sorry," he rasped, his hand loosing its tight grip on my arm.

"No! Seth, please, don't do this, don't leave me here!" I cried as I shook his shoulder trying in vain to wake him from a sleep I knew he wouldn't come out from. Tears steamed from my eyes, falling from my cheeks and splashing onto Seth's blood stained shirt.

A pair of strong warm arms pulled me from the floor and against a hard chest, and started pulling me from Seth's unmoving body.

"No!" I cried trying to pull from the arms of the wolf and get back to my adopted father. "I can't leave him, I won't leave him!" I screamed at the wolf as wolves obscured my view of Seth's body. "I won't leave him!" I repeated as I tried harder to get from his arms.

"He wouldn't want you to see him like that," a familiar husky voice whispered in my ear. I immediately stopped struggling as my wolf recognized the person who whispered in my ear. I let myself fall back against his chest as he pulled me from the home I've known for the last 5 years of my life.

"I can't leave him like that," I said before he could pull me from the front yard.

"He'll be taken care of, I promise," Erin replied in a soothing voice.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

He stopped pulling me back for a moment. "I'm taking you to a place where they can't hurt you, just like Seth wants. I'm taking you home."

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