Chapter Eleven- Black Plains Pack

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Chapter Eleven- Black Plains Pack

Lilly's POV

I cried out in pain as I woke up my eyes still closed in my blood curling scream. It all hurt, it hurt so bad, my lungs seemed unable to get air, my organs shutting on themselves, my heart failing. It was gone as fast as it came sending me into a sense of dizziness and numb pain. A voice was trying to get me to open my eyes, trying to calm me yet I couldn't make out the words on the tone of the voice. I didn't want to open my eyes, I didn't want to chance the fact that Master Nathan had to have done something to me. I wanted it to end, I didn't want this type of life for myself, nor did my mom and dad. I became more aware as the pain ebbed till it was only my wrists full of dull pain. I became aware of who was speaking to me, who the beautiful voice belonged to.

"Erin..." I said weakly, trying my hardest to even out my voice so it didn't sound as raspy as it would, I failed.

"Lilly, baby, you are going to be alright, he can't hurt you anymore," he whispered lightly. His hands cupped my face trying to coax my eyes open. I slowly reacted allowing mid day light to fill my vision and I once again became aware of how close Erin's face was to mine.

I didn't take a single glance at my surroundings, instead my attention was focused on the proximity and bare chest of my mate.

"There's those eyes I've missed so much in the past few hours," he smiled.

"How long have I been out?"

His face dropped, "about 5 hours, it's near sun set and I wanted to get you back to the pack before the sun comes up."

"Wait, where are we right now?" I asked, now noticing we were in a hospital ward all beds were empty besides mine.

"We are in the Black Plains Pack, I had to get you to somewhere, anywhere where a pack doctor was present, he wasn't able to heal your wrists though because it was silver that caused the wounds."

"Why did I need to be healed by a pack doctor?"

"That ass hole put poison in your blood, I would've killed him, I would make him pay, but I couldn't lose you. I'm so sorry, I should've been there to save you and I wasn't," he whispered.

I raised one of my hands and placed it on his chiseled chest, taking notice of the white bandage around my wrist before turning my full attention to his black eyes. God how I loved his eyes.

"You did more than you think, you are the reason I kept fighting the Alpha, I wanted to quit and every time I did I thought of you still looking for me when I gave up hope in myself. I near broke my wrists trying to free myself to get to you, back to my mate and the man who saved me as a little girl. If it wasn't for you, I would have given up my fight, let Alpha Nathan break me like glass. You kept me fighting, I knew you wouldn't give up just like when Alpha Jacob told you I wouldn't make it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you, Erin."

His face turned to shock as that four letter word left my lips. In an instant his lips crashed against mine, a moan loosing its sound against his lips as the rest of his body pressed into mine. His tongue grazed my bottom lip asking for admittance into my mouth. I decided not to make it all that easy and kept my mouth firmly shut against his.

His hand moved down from my face down my side which I had just found out that all I was wearing was an over sized shirt that barely met my thighs. His hand reached my waist and traveled to my lower back, his hand pressed into my back bringing my... lower half against his, the shirt rising in the process. I gasped and Erin used that to his advantage and his tongue darted into my mouth, tasting me hungrily as I did the same. I was running out of air by the second and just as I was about to break his mouth moved from mine placing hot kisses on my jaw line and neck licking the spot where he would one day place his mark and I moaned. Having enough of this blissful torture his lips found mine once more before the loud creak of a door down the hall made him jump away.

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