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Davina Evans was the type of person who lived in her own life bubble. She didn't Participate in after activities, no parties. She didn't speak to anyone and when she did, it was cold and brief. She wasn't always like this though. We use to be good friends. The type of friends who slept over and talked about secrets. It wasn't till the eighth grade that Cassie Howard slept with her at the time Boyfriend. It wasn't like she didn't try, we were all just fucked up in our ways to care. Something I regret now.

Davina Evan stared at the once bright-colored room the walls use to be a pale pink were but were now a soft grey. The only color she could get close to was white. Having white walls would Throw off the rest of the room. She fucking hated white walls. At the beginning of the summer, Davina decided she needed something new. So she got rid of everything and bought new. It wasn't like she spent a fortune either. In the center of the room was a dark grey king-size bed with white bedding and six pillows. Two nightstands on either side. White curtains. There weren't any pictures on the walls or flows hanging from the ceiling. The only thing colorful in the entire room was her clothes. They peaked from her open closet, mocking her. Breathing she pulled the two doors together, leaving just a wall of whiteboarding. This was her safe place. Her only place.

Davina was the type of person to mind her business. She wouldn't get involved unless she truly had to. Which is what made her so.. likable. Maybe it was because when she smiled at you(if you could get a smile from her) it made you feel safe..wanted almost.
So when she made her little way to fez's she was quick to notice Nate Jacobs. He and his buddy Mckay loading a keg into his shiny truck, she walked past them to head inside. Davina has made it her mission to ignore everything and anything that had to do with Nate Jacobs. It wasn't that she hated him or anything. She just didn't want to get caught up with his and Maddy's bullshit. The only exchange they ever had was freshmen formal when he tried to finger fuck, Rue. Davina was quick to "accidentally" trip him. Give the girl enough time to flee. She honestly thought he forgot all about her. He didn't. Making her way towards the drinks, she quickly got a bottle of water. Sliding out a five-dollar bill she made her way outside again. Seeing Fez outside earlier she decided to just wave the water to him and hand the money. Not caring about change.
"Red!" Looking over her shoulder she sees Fez staring at her. He was now done with his deal just waiting for them to leave. "You coming to the party tonight?" His question took her by surprise. Seeing as she had never been to any of the parties here. She wasn't big on drinking or partaking in drugs. Shrugging one shoulder she smiled. "Come Fez, you know I don't like to drink. Let alone party" she didn't miss the slightly disappointed look he tried to cover nor did the heated gaze of Nate. Sending her a nod he made his way back into the store. Davina didn't bother to acknowledge Rue, she just turned and made starred to finish her jog home.

While Davina didn't play any sports or join any school clubs, she still loved to be fit. It was honestly something she found comfort in. I know what you're thinking why in God's green earth would anyone find comfort in it? Simple, she could push herself and people would be happy about it. People rather applaud you for working out and being productive than someone who stays inside and watches her walls. So she lived a life of pushing the limits and ice baths. Fuck she loved the ice baths. She could see why the Ancient Greeks loved them so much.

"Yo. The whole world's gonna be talking about how McKay threw the grimmest fucking banger of the party" Nate smirked at his friend. Mckay who graduated last year could feel his muscles tighten a bit. "I don't know, bro. You know my mom is real OCD" his voice sounded a bit panicky. Nate who really couldn't give a fuck just smirked "fine. We'll just take a picture of everything, and we'll put it back the way we found it."
Laughing he leaned over "would you stop worrying about your mom, and start worrying about all the fucking pussy that we're gonna smash tonight, bro." This caught McKay's attention. "No, no, no, no, no. Wait, isn't Maddy coming tonight?" Tightening his jaw he shrugged. "I don't know. And I don't give a fuck. She broke up with me. Fuck her " His words and tone said two different things. Everyone knew how fucking toxic those two were and yet they ran to each other as rue runs to pills. "Besides im thinking about asking Davin out. Look at how tight her ass looks like a bro comes on" this caught McKay's attention. It wasn't like they ever dated or even flirted with him. He had asked her at the beginning of summer. She said no and just walked away. Mckay use to worship the ground she walked on. Half the school did, and half the school tried to ask her out. Meeting the same fate as he did. With a hard no. She is what they call a cock tease.
They were just about to pass the running redhead. Her earbuds blaring and her breathing somewhat steady. Both guys noticed that she seemed distracted and when they followed get eye site they could see why. Riding a bike was a blond girl. Davina hadn't seen her before but honestly, she hadn't paid attention to her classmates before so maybe.
"Yo. This is exactly what im talking about!" His voice held a twitch of excitement. Mckay shook his head "Nate, don't do anything stupid. Come on." But Nate ignored him. Driving close to her he started to yell out. "How 'bout you come and ride on this dick?" He kept laughing as his friend told him to stop.
Davina jogged a little faster, fucking up the counting she had going on to catch up to the girl who fell. Making close to her she stopped and watched as the blonde got up. "That looked like it hurt " the words of Davin startled the blond. Looking up they made eye contact. David didn't smile or glare. Her face was just blank. "Yeah.." Julie honestly didn't know what to say. The usually outspoken girl was still shaken up from what happened. "Can you get home safe?" While her words came off that she cared, Davina's tone seemed so..lifeless. Jules looked down and her feet and wiggled the right and then the left. She looked up with a smile and giggled. "Yeah. I think so"
Letting a subtle smile come to her lips she walked closer. "Here." She stretched out her hand to give the half drank water to the girl. "Don't worry about any STDs, im not Howards." Jules who didn't know who the fuck Howards was took the bottle and smiled thanks. Davina didn't stick around long. She simply placed the earbuds back into place and started to run. As she was passing Jules she let her eyes trail the girl and gave a wink.

Neither knew it but they had started something I don't think anyone saw coming.

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