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Davina hummed as she stood in front of her mirror. Her eyes trailed over the red dress. She wasn't sure what to wear, she hadn't been to a carnival since she was younger. In fact, her brother was the last person to take her. He had insisted that they went on the ride together. A smile graced her lips as she thought back. Since talking to Jules and Tyler, she started to open up more. Not all the way, she wasn't ready. Who knows when she would be. The long text messages with all three of them. The flirty touches between Jules and her. The late-night phone calls between her and Tyler. A part of her felt guilty that they never included Jules but that guilt would go away as soon as it came. She knew that they did things just them. The pictures were sent between them. Davina wasn't an idiot she knew they had a conversation with just them. Which she was fine with. They need to have a bond just as much as jules and her needed one.  Breathing out she decided the dress was fine but she would wear flats instead of heels tonight. There was no way she was gonna be able to wear heels and run around with jules and mostly likely Rue. Picking up her phone she sent a message to Jule's letting her know she was coming.

The sound of people laughing and talking as loud as she made her way through the crowd. She had spent the last two minutes trying to find Jules. Getting frustrated she tried calling her. Thankfully she picked up by the third ring. "Hey! Where are you?" The sound of Jules's voice made davina smile? "I'm trying to find you! Where are you, I'll come to you?" Barely hitting someone, davina paused in her movement. How she hated being here but she wanted to have fun. "I'm with kat. We're by the Ferris wheel." Looking around davina sees two of them. "Which one?" She asked. Amusement was clear in her voice. Jules looked at kat who shook her head. Looking around jules tried to find a landmark. "The one near the spinning death machine." Letting out a laugh davina knew what one she was talking about. Tyler and her had spent the night before teasing the blond about her fear. "I'll be there in just a second." Not waiting for a response davina hung up.
By the time she got there, jules wasn't there. Letting out a huff of frustration davina was about to pull her phone out again when she sees jules. The bright pink outfit really helped. Rushing towards, davina couldn't help but push two people out of the way. She didn't care. She wanted to hug her.. What was Jules to her? They never made anything official. None of them have. When she finally got there jules was in a tight hug with Rue. Both girls clinging to each other, as their lives depended on it. In a way it did. Davina wasn't blind. The only reason Rue was even clean was because of Jules. A fact that davina thought was stupid. Rue had some many reasons to try and be clean. But jules her reason.
Coming up behind Lexi and Gia, just in time to hear Gia's comment to Lexi. "Um, I think she's in love with her." This caught both Lexi's and Davina's attention. Different reasons of course. "Really?" Lexi asked. Lexia Howard was a sweet girl. Davina honestly adored her. They didn't have many encounters after everything. Except for that time, davina saved Lexi from walking around with a huge bloodstain. She had done it so smoothly too. She simply walked behind her and wrapped her own jacket around her waist. Since then Lexi has always secretly liked davina. "Yeah, like.. Rue is in love with jules, I think." All three of them watched as both girls continued to clutch onto each other. Davina wasn't jealous. She had faith that Jules would never do that to her. She would at least be honest. "Don't you think?" Gia asked Lexi. Poor Gia put up with a lot. "I hadn't really thought about it." Lexi answered back. Which was a lie. Lexi noticed but she hoped that it wasn't the case. Decided she was done being left out davina stepped toward them. "Hi, Lexi. Hi Gia!" Send them both a smile when they turned to look at her. Lexi couldn't help but let her eyes trail up and down Davina's body. She like her sister had developed a rather nice body. Lexi mumbled out a smaller hi towards the redhead. While Gia just waved. "Okay um... Anyway, im gonna go catch some friends." With that, the younger girl turned to leaving Lexi and davina to watch Jules and Rue still talking. It was like they were in their own little world. "How are you?" Was davina small attempt at a conversation. She liked Lexi. And Lexi liked her. "I'm good. You?" With a smile, davina shrugged. "I have been good!" It was silent again. Both of them started to feel Uncomfortable with being left out. Lexi looked at davina when she started talking again. "We uh should hang out." Looking at Lexi with a confident look, which Lexi slightly envied. To be that confident. It was something her and Maddy had in common. When she didn't get a response as soon she hoped, davina frowned slightly. In her mind, Lexi was rejecting her. Upon seeing the look, Lexi rushed out to answer. "Yeah! I mean sure." Pushing her hair behind her should Lexi continue to rush on. "I would love to." Davina wouldn't admit it but Lexi was kinda cute when she rambled on. Smiling at each other both girls hoped a friendship would blossom from this.

Intoxication// Euphoria Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora