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When was Davina was fifteen her brother had come home one day. His usual handsome face was covered in blood. She tried so hard to get him to talk to her about what happened but he wouldn't tell her what happened. Their parents were at work so they hurried to get him cleaned up but no matter how much makeup she applied, there was no hope. His busted lip would be a good giveaway.
"Elijah.. You have to tell me what happened." She tried so hard to convince him but the more she tried he for angry. "Fuck! Davina just shut the fuck up!" Slamming his hands down on her dresser, he dragged his hands down and drag it down. Throwing all her things on the floor. Jumping davina could feel tears gather in her eyes as she watched her brother throw her stuff around. Backing away she could feel her body slide down her wall. She could feel her legs shake. "You just need to keep your fucking mouth shut!" Turning to face her, he clenched his fist. "For once and in your miserable life, stop being a pathetic cunt." He kept yelling and getting closer to them till he was yelling in her face. When he finally finished he took his right hand to gripped her face. "I love you davina.. I just need time." Kissing her cheek, he made his way out of the room. She never found out what happened to her brother. When their parents came over, there was a fight. Which was expected. Her mother had freaked out and her dad got angry. That night there was a lot of yelling. Davina had hid in her room. Desperately trying to block out the yelling and crying by looking at all the colorful figuring she had. She would trace her fingers down the bright yellow mirror she had. She would twirl her body and try to smile. But it was hard when all you could focus on was her father's yelling. She was sure the neighbors could hear. If Cal wasn't out fucking someone and Marsha already passed out drunk. Nate was with Maddy. There was no one to hear what was about to happen.
It felt like hours before the house finally went silent. Her parents had retreated to their room and Elijah was somewhere. Turning over Davina looked at her alarm clock. In its bold red it read 3:12 am. That's when davina heard the sound. A sound she wished that would leave her head..

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