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"Respect is earned by actions alone, not self-gratification." by Paul combs 

Davina wasn't sure what had happened. one minute she was laughing with Lexi and the next she was standing next to Jule's. Davina had run behind the blond when she first saw her. At first, she didn't notice the tension. She was too busy laying a delicate kiss on Jule's cheek. Cal who felt all his air leave his lungs couldn't bring himself to look away from the girls in front of him.  Both were so different from each other, one was wild and bright. While the other seemed so in control, with an air of authority surrounding her. How could these two people know each other? anyone watching them, and there was a few watching. could see how Davina looked at Jules and vice versa. even though Jules hadn't been able to drag her eyes away from Cal.  She couldn't believe she walked over here, knowing this was the man she had fucked or well gotten fucked by, only a few weeks ago. A man who was so rough with her, A married man, and above all else, the father of Nate Jacobs. 

not liking the tension between the two, Davina leaned forward to take the chili from Mr. Jacobs. only for Cal to drop it when their hands touched. he wasn't expecting it. none of it. Her loud yelp made Jules finally snap out of her shock. Pulling the redhead back, Julies looked at divine now red hands. "I'm so sorry" Cal mumbled but Davina wasn't listening. she just stared up at him with a confused expression. why was he being so jumping? "uh, it's okay. it was my fault." letting Jules clean her hand she sent a small smile towards her, trying to reassure her that everything was okay. feeling eyes on she looked up only to see the heated glare Nate was sending them.They both stared at each other. neither looking away. Davina wasn't sure what his problem was but she wasn't going to let some tall handsome dickhead glare at Jules. So she continues to stare back at him. Her stance was rigid. she didn't bother to looking at Marsha. truly not liking the women but she did each into her back pocket to pull out a 5. "to pay for the spilled one, I should have been more careful. " her tone didn't leave room for any argument. When Jules was handed her chili, she didn't waste a moment fleeing, leaving a confused and hurt Davina behind. the older girl watched as she practically ran away, towards Rue. 

Davina didn't know what to do with herself. if she was being honest. The only reason she came here was that Jules and the blond couldn't even care less. the petty side of her just wanted to go home and make Julie feel the same way as she did. The mature part of her wanted to give Jules the benefit of a doubt. She kept making excuses for her. Maybe she was having a rough night? Or maybe Rue needed her and Jules being the good person she was, just wanted to get back to her. Then there was the darker part of her. It was small but inside she was angry. no pissed, how fucking dare Julie act like this? one moment being caring and concerned and the other a coward that ran. She needed to be punished. she needed to be laid over Davina's lap and given however many lashes she Davina saw fit to give. Davina needed to hear how sorry she was, but she wouldn't. not yet, things were still very new and innocent between them. she wouldn't fuck that up. trying to think of a solution to her problem she pulled her phone out, deciding to give Tyler a call, only for it to be rejected. with slightly shaky hands she tried to call Jules. this time it just kept ringing. releasing a dejected sigh Davina started to look for Jules again. Maybe Rue did need help. 

Nate had watched the hurt look cross divines face when Jules ran from them, from her. He knew that she was in the dark. she didn't know that Jules and his dad... there was history there. Just like she didn't know he was Tyler. The guilt was eating him alive. Every day she was being fed lies, and every day he did nothing to stop it. Nate knew he could just stop, he could disappear. completely ghost them. leave them alone. Sure they would be hurt however they would have each other. But he couldn't do that. NO he wouldn't do that. he needed to make sure Jules kept her mouth shut. he need to have something over her and he did. He had everything to ruin her. Would her be able to do it? Yes. Yes, he would. Nate wouldn't admit it though. there was a part of him, that loved them. Jules and Davina. They were the only two people in the world to know him. the real him. They knew things that no one else did. not even Maddie. and as he looked down at his phone, seeing Davina trying to call him-no Tyler. Nate couldn't bring himself to answer. with a heavy heart, he chooses to ignore it. Tonight it would all change anyway. He knew that. it had to. 

anger wasn't something that Davina felt often but she did, she only did one of two things. Worked her body till it physically hurt her to breathe or fucked herself. neither she could do. so for a while, she stood there. after not being able to find Jules, Davina decided to go home. only for her keys to be gone. she must have dropped them somewhere and there was no way of knowing where. leaning back she looked towards the sky. how could one night turn out so bad? with no other option, Davina made her way home. on foot. wished that one or both of the people she lo-like was there with her. 

"I have no intention of, like, hurting you or anything." Jules tried to reassure Cal. when his expression didn't waver, she continued on. "I'm sorry about earlier. That was kind of dumb." Julie could hear Davina's voice now. "really fucking dumb." Cal stared back at her. His heart beating, he thought for sure it would give out any moment. A part of him believed her. "That's okay... I just wanted to" but when his voice trailed off Jules went on. "It won't be a thing. don't worry." licking his lips Cal finally asked what he really wanted to. "Does.. does she know? Jules looked at him confused not understanding who was talking about. "I know you told your friend, I saw her look at me.. but does Davina?" With a hurt look, Julie slowly shook her head no. not trusting her voice. Were Davina and Cal messing around? were she and Tyler just toys? Jules tried to mask her face but unlike day she wasn't good at it. Cal could see the questioning look, but wanted to get away. fast. so with one last nod, he turned. Leaving the blond to stare after him. It wasn't even a few moments later did her phone go off.

Tyler: want to meet in 30?

A smile started to form on her lips. maybe tonight wouldn't suck after all. 

Jules: yes. did you message Dav?

Tyler: no. just you and me

The smile that once graced her lips had faded. There was no way they could meet without Davina. They all agreed to meet together. because they were all together. there wasn't a thing they did without each other. 

Tyler: plz. I need to see you.

 No one would ever know this but Jules wanted to meet him first, the selfish part of her wanted this. they had talked first. Davina would understand. Jules stared down at her phone for a sold thirty-five seconds before agreeing. Unknowing Breaking the first healthy relationship she had formed. unknowingly she was throwing Davina away for a trap. The Respect that Davina held for Jules would be thrown out the window.

Davina was halfway home. She kept replaying the night in her head. How Julie first ditched her for Rue, then the chili stand, and Jules ditched her again. The only good thing that came out of that night was Lexi. She really had fun with the girl and was hoping maybe a really good friendship  would form between them. Jules had Rue, Tyle must have had someone and she needed one. Someone she could tell anything to and trust.
Deciding to get a drink before finishing her walk, she turn right and made her way to Fez's store.

I had to force my self to write this. As you could probably tell at first. I've had the worst case of writers block. Not the type were I don't have ideas just how to put them down. So I might re-write this and fix something.

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