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I don't know. It's just been a really weird couple of weeks. I didn't know it at the time, both jules and davina were falling in love. Not only with each other but with Tyler as well.
Every morning davina would say good morning to both Tyler and Jules. She loved talking to them both. They would talk while getting ready for their day. After that night, jules had added davina in a chat with her and Tyler. Since then they would message back and forth. It didn't matter where they were or who they were with. They would always message each other. Both jules and Tyler found out that davina hated the taste of bananas and loved the feeling of her faux fur sleepers. Tyler and Davina found out that jules wanted to become a famous designer. Tyler was undecided.
Davina lay in her backyard, texting jules and Tyler when she caught Nate in the corner of her eye. Looking up she saw him closing his blinds. And as he was about to finish, he caught Davis's eyes. They stared at each other before both their phones went off. Looking away from Nate to her phone and Nate finishes with the blinds.
They even talked while at lunch together. It didn't matter to them. Jules would curl up next to Davin and they both would talk to Tyler. There wasn't anything they couldn't talk about. They built trust with each other. One night jules was at Davina's. Both girls looking into the mirror. Jules's body was being held by davinas. With everything, they were doing together. They both felt safe and loved. But even with that feeling, davina couldn't bring herself to let anyone kn her room. So they would often sleep in the guest room. Jules didn't know this, she thought it was davinas. She never questioned why there wasn't anything personal. Figuring with davinas mature personality. She kept her room the same. Even if Nate didn't want to admit it, he loved talking to them. He loved waking up to them, he loved going to bed with them. It didn't matter. He was simply falling in love. He got to know Davina Evans so much more than anyone had. No guy had gotten this close to her. No one had ever gotten a good morning text or even seen her smile at them. Granted her smile was always aimed at her phone or jules. It didn't matter, he knew that it was for him. Sometimes Nate would catch himself fantasizing about them. He would picture waking up to their heads on his chest. Davina's leg laying on top of him with her hand in Jules's hair. Jules would have her arm stretched over him to touch davina. He could imagine walking into the school with one on each side. Smiles on their faces and just show everyone how much he loved them. Then the image of himself would change. In his place would be the real Tyler. The one he had beaten to an inch of his life. And just like that..he was back in reality.
"I'm not saying im in love. I'm just saying I really, really, really, like them." Jules said with a smile. She and Rue were walking. She couldn't help but gush about Tyler and davina. "Who? Shyguy118? Davina?" Rue tried so hard not to sound upset but it was hard. The first person she ever had interested in didn't like her but two other people. "His name is Tyler. " Not knowing what to do with her hands, rue reached up and tightened her pony. "It doesn't really matter. They're both little fuckboy names." Choosing to ignore davina altogether was better. So she stuck with 'Tyler ' passing jules, who was quick to defend her crush. "He's not. For real, like, he's so sweet." Moving to walk with rue she wanted her to like this for them. "What school does he go to?" Looking over. "St. Mary's." Laughing rue let out a scoff. "Ew. Private school." Jules couldn't believe she sounded this way. She wanted her best friend to sound happy for them. "You're just jealous." Walking faster from rue. "I'm not jealous." She was.
"I mean, you've been acting weird, like all week. Every time im on my phone, you just stop talking." Looking back she shrugged. "You're literally like my dad."
After school davina decided to walk home. Her car had once again been sent to the shop. It was safe to drive but the paint had started to chip. Which drove davina crazy. So this morning she drove it to the Bodyshop. They wouldn't even be painting it till tomorrow. Earlier she had taken her heels off and was now ready to walk home. Putting in her ear puds she pushed play to Guys my age by Hey violet. It wasn't her favorite song and she didn't listen to it a lot, but that's what she was in the mood for. Smiling she read the message jules sent them.
Jules: what R guys doing tonight? Like 10ish?
Smiling davina stopped at a red light. She waiting for the walking sign to come one.
Tyler:  alone, in bed, talking 2 u 2 :)
Shaking her head, she started to walk.
Tyler was a complete flirt and one thing she loved was that he never forgot both of them.
Davina: I'll be busy. I desperately need an ice bath. Lol.
Sliding her phone away m, davina decided to ignore her phone and just get home. All week jules had been teasing davina. With light touches, a small kisses on the cheek. Whenever Tyler would tell Jules to do something, she would. It didn't matter where or what. The other day Tyler had asked Jules to teasingly kiss davina neck, in the school's hallway..and she did. Nate secretly loved this. It was all driving driving davina crazy.

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