1) Love at First Sight Is Cliche....But...

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Camilo's POV

I'm in the streets of Encanto, doing my chores, and helping the people of the village. I didn't have an immediate task to complete, so I was just walking around to see who needs help, when I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks. 

Not too far ahead of me is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Now of course, I have never been one to believe in love at first sight, but she may have been enough to change that. She had a radiating presence of warmth and joy. Her mesmerizing eyes were (e/c) and the light reflected on her (h/c) hair. She was currently talking to my cousin, Mirabel. Were they friends? How come I have never seen her around then? I definitely would have remembered someone as breathtaking as her.

 Then, it happened. She smiled. Her smile was like the sun. It warmed everything inside of me. Was I having a heart attack? Maybe, I wasn't sure. As I was lost in thought, Mirabel had tapped the mysterious girl on the shoulder and pointed at me. The girl turned to me with a smile and wave. Yep. I was definitely having a heart attack. After shapeshifting into her, Mirabel, and then back to myself, I waved back. She chuckled at my transformations, and I was convinced I was going to need at least a 3 course meal from Tía Julieta. I was about to walk over and introduce myself, when Dolores called for me. Curse you Dolores. 

But in my mind, I had already made it my mission to try and find the beautiful girl, first thing tomorrow morning.

Smile Like the Sun (Camilo x Reader) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now