13) A Crush?

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Camilo's POV

I'm running home with Isabela, and the tornado is getting closer and closer in view. "My baby, he's gone! I'll never see him again! He's been eaten by the wolves! Torn to shreds!" My mama was pacing back and forth, while my dad tried to calm her down. Isabela yelled very loudly, "Tía Pepa! I found Camilo!" Suddenly, the tornado stopped. Mama turned to face us, and her face (as well as the sky) lit up. "Camilo!" She came running over to me, and I met her halfway. She hugged me so tightly I could have died. "Ohh I missed you so much! I thought you died!" Then her mood quickly changed and she had a thundering cloud over her head. "Camilo (whatever his middle name is) Madrigal, you better have a good reason for not coming home last night." My dad had come down and was standing next to her. Should I lie to her? No, Dolores will find out the truth and probably tell her. I swear she can't keep a secret. "I was hanging out with (y/n), and while we were watching the sunset, we feel asleep. I'm sorry mamí. It won't happen again." I looked down expecting a stern talking to from both my parents, but instead, I heard squealing. I look up to see mama with a little rainbow over her head. "You were with that girl you liked? That is SO cute! Your father and I did something like that once! Camilo, you better treat her well, or so help me-" Before she could finish her sentence, my dad interjected. "Camilo, just make sure next time you want to stay out, you tell us. We were both very worried." I nod my head in understanding. "Now, go wash up. We leave for town soon." "Got it. Thank you again!" I ran up into the house to go and get ready. I wonder what time (y/n) is coming over to see Mirabel? I couldn't wait to see her again. I put on fresh clothing and wash my face. Do I have time for a shower? Nah, probably not. I walk outside my room, and see Dolores. "Did you have fun on your date? You didn't come home last night." I groaned. "It wasn't a date, Dolores!" "Your face says otherwise." Was I blushing? Likely. "Look, we just fell asleep." She gave me a look. "Dolores! We didn't do anything like that! Geez!" My face felt hot, and was definitely a deep shade of red. "Hm." She walked away, and I continued to stand there in a flustered mess. "Hey Camilo, who's got you in such a mess?" I look to see Mirabel. I was still too shocked to compose a coherent sentence. "Ohh, was it (y/n)?" If my face could get any redder, I think it did. "I thought she wasn't coming over til later." "No! It wasn't her! Why does everyone keep assuming that?!" She tilted her head, "You like her, don't you?" Like her? "I mean yeah I like her. We're friends." She shook her head. "No, no, no. Do you like like her? Do you have a crush on her?" A crush? On (y/n)? Sure she was fun to be around, and made my heart flutter whenever she smiles, and the whole thought of her makes me happy, and she's the most perfect girl I know, and she- oh my gosh. I have a crush on her. I HAVE A CRUSH ON (Y/N)! Shit, shit, shit. Oh great. What do I do? I've never had a crush on someone before. Do I ask her to be my girlfriend? Do I let this crush pass? I can't be her boyfriend! She'd never like me, not like that anyways! Oh no, I'm suppose to see her later today. I should have taken that shower. Do I tell her how I feel? Would that be weird to her? I feel like it would be weird. "Camilo?" My train of thought is broken by Mirabel's voice. I look into her eyes, and slowly, and clearly say, 

"I have a crush on (y/n)."

Smile Like the Sun (Camilo x Reader) HIATUSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora