5) We're Friends, Right?

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(Y/N)'s POV

Damn was he was cute. You wanted to talk to Mirabel as well, but you could always talk to her later. You smiled and took his hand, hoping he didn't see your blush from him calling you beautiful. "It would be an honor señor." You let him guide you through the house, pointing out rooms and telling you their use. After showing you every room in the house, he stopped in front of a painting saying, "Now there is one last room I wish to show you. A room so secret that it wen unnoticed for 10 years!" You gave him a quizzical look, "There was a room in your house, and no one knew about it for 10 whole years." He smirked as though he found your confusion very amusing, "Well Bonita, it would have been a lot easier to discover if there was a door." And with that, he turns towards the portrait and moves it to reveal a passageway. You stood there, slightly shocked at the fact there was a room behind the portrait. "Ladies first." You turn to Camilo and ask, "Is this safe?" "Perfectly." You didn't know the boy very well, but he seemed trustworthy, so you went into the wall. He followed after you. SLAM CRASH SHATTER. The painting slammed shut, and it sounded as though something outside had fallen. "No, bad cheetah." Camilo goes to the portrait and tries to open it. It doesn't move. "Hey Antonio, buddy, you out there? Antonio! Dang it." Camilo turns to you and sheepishly smiles. "Well Bonita, I've got good news and bad news." You had a feeling you wouldn't like what he was about to say next. "What's the bad news?" "Something is blocking the painting, and we are trapped until it's moved." Oh just fantastic. Stuck in the walls with no way out, "And the good news..?" He points both of his hands towards to himself in a dramatic way, "You get to spend more time with the one and only Camilo Madrigal." You roll your eyes and laugh. "Well if we can't go back, I guess the only way to go is forward." You extend your hand towards the passage way. "Ladies first?" You shake your head. "No way." "Fine then," He shapeshifts into his uncle Bruno, "I lived in these walls for 10 years, follow me!" He begins to walk forward, and you follow him. How did you even get yourself into this situation? You make a mental note that following cute boys you barely know into sketchy holes in the wall probably isn't the best idea. Camilo had shapeshifted back into himself and you were walking only slightly behind him. "So (y/n), how long have you been in town?" "Oh we only moved here yesterday, so not long at all." It didn't seem to hurt to make light conversation as you traveled through the walls of Casita. "Oh that explains why I only just saw you today. You and Mirabel are friends, right?" "Yeah, I guess so. I only met her today though." Continuing to walk, he turns his head towards you, "We're friends, right (y/n)?" Were you friends? I mean this is the only time you've really hung out, but you liked the company of the boy. He was easy to talk to and fun to be around. "Yeah we're friends." You would have thought you told him you were buying him a puppy, cause he was smiling and his face was beaming. "Awesome! If you're not busy tomorrow, do you maybe want to-" His sentence was cut short because he had fallen into a hole. He was barely hanging onto a floorboard. "Camilo!" Fear replaced everything inside of you. You bent down over the edge and held out your hand. "Grab on I'll pull you up." Camilo takes one of his hands off of the wood to reach out for your hand. Snap. The wood breaks and he begins to fall. His face was full of terror, and you tried to grab him, but you barely missed. And you watched him fall. You sank to your knees. You just watched your new friend die. The boy who intrigued you so much was now dead. Tears began to form in your eyes. There's no way he could be dead. "(y/n)." It was like you could still hear his voice. "(y/n)!" You remembered the way he said your name so well. "I'm so sorry I let you die Camilo. I should have done more.", you said to the now dead boy. "(Y/n)! I'm not dead! The pit isn't that deep!" Wait what? You scramble over to the edge to see that the fog has cleared and Camilo is standing at the bottom of the shallow hole, unharmed. "I thought you died!" He laughed, "Aw, did you miss me?" You blush slightly at his dumb remark. "I could have lived without you." "Mhmm, come on you love me don't you?" You laughed and rolled your eyes, just relieved that he was okay. "Whatever you say. Now come on, let's get you out of this pit."


Okay so I know technically they rebuilt the house, so Bruno's old home is probably isn't there anymore, but let's just say he rebuilt it or something idk 😭

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