14) Bunnies Aren't the Only Cute Thing in This Field

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(y/n)'s POV

Knock. Knock. Knock. You wake up to the sound of someone knocking on your door. "Coming!" You're fixing your hair as you walk to the door. "Oh Mirabel!" When you had opened the door, it showed one of your favorite Madrigals. "Hey (y/n)! You just wake up?" You laughed sheepishly and replied, "Yeah, come on in. I just need a minute to get ready." You lead Mirabel inside the house, and go to get ready. (you can imagine your outfit, idc what you wear.) After not long, you come back out. You see Mirabel sitting on the couch in the living room. "So (y/n)...I heard you were out with a certain cousin of mine last night." You rolled your eyes. "Yeah Dolores and I had a great time." She scoffs, "No, a certain male cousin." You pretend to think for a moment. "Ah! Antonio! Yeah he's a cool kid." "(y/nnnnnnn)!" She whined. "Okay, okay I'm kidding! Yeah, Camilo and I lost track of time." She stood up from the couch. "So I've heard." You were both starting to walk out of the house. "Did he...uh, did he say anything?" You were still wondering if the confession was real or not. She was smirking. "Oh he said something all right." "Wait what's that supposed to mean?" She shrugged her shoulders, and was walking backwards so she could face you. "Dunno." "Mirabelllllll! Pretty please tell me?" She did a motion of taking a key an locking her lips. Then, she turned back to face forward and fell into stride next to you. "If you tell me, I'll be your best frienddddd." She rolled her eyes, "You're already my best friend." "Well I be an even better bestie..?" She laughed at your attempt to persuade her. "As tempting as these offers are, I'm going to have to pass. Now, come on Antonio found these cute bunnies this morning and I want to show you them!" You  dropped all curiosities you had about Camilo, and turned your attention to the baby rabbits, "BUNNIES?!" Mirabel aggressively nodded her head. You both headed to Mirabel's home. "Hola Casita!" Mirabel said, and you sort of waved at the house, not sure whether it could acknowledge a wave or not. You followed Mirabel to Antonios room. She knocked on the door, "Hey buddy, can I come in?" The was opened by Mirabel's youngest cousin. Mirabel motioned for you to walk in first. It had been your first time in the room and it was incredible! It look like a jungle, or something out of a movie. You were just standing in shock, until Mirabel leaned over to you and remarked, "It's pretty amazing, huh?" "Definitely." Mirabel turned to Antoni and squatted down to be at his height. "Is it alright if we go ahead and go over." HE nodded his head. "They're right over there. It's in a nice grassy spot near the back of the tree." "Thanks." Mirabel stood back up, and she lead you to where Antonio had directed. You study your surroundings, and spot something, or someone in the patch of grass. Upon closer inspection, you discover that it's Camilo sitting in the grass, covered in bunnies. As you watched him he looked so happy and kind of cute just sitting there cuddling rabbits. You didn't realize you were staring, until Mirabel broke your gaze. "Hey (y/n), I just remembered something I promised my mom I would do. You go ahead, and I'll be back in a minute." You nod in understanding and watch as she leaves. Deciding to stop just standing around, you make your way towards Camilo. He didn't seem to notice you yet, so while sitting down you said, "Hey Milo." He seemed startled and jumped slightly. "Oh, uh hey (y/n)."He averted your gaze, and for some reason, he seemed nervous. You hoped everything was okay. "You alright? You seem a bit nervous?" He finally met your eyes, and maybe you imagined it, bit he seem slightly flushed. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be, Bonita?" You smiled. You weren't sure why, but you loved when he called you his nickname. Even if he didn't mean it, it made you feel quite jubilant. "Just wondering. Have you been here long?" He shook his head. "No I've only been here for a few minutes. Do you wanna pet one?" You nod your head excitedly, and Camilo picks up a rabbit, and gently passes it to you. "Awww, it's so cute!" You hear him mumbling something under his breath, but you couldn't quite catch it. "What'd you say?" He turned his head back to you. "Um I was just asking what you were doing here. I mean Antonio only found the rabbits this morning, so I wasn't sure how you found out." "Ah, well I was supposed to be here with Mirabel, but she said she had to take care of something. She's supposed to be back soon though." He nods his head to show he's listening, but doesn't say anything. The two of you go back to playing with bunnies, until eventually Camilo says something. "So, were your parents mad?" You decide it's probably best not to tell him that your brother was blackmailing you so they wouldn't find out. "Don't worry, they were cool about it. How about you? Did your family react well?" He seemed very unnerved now, and began to use dramatic hand movement while explaining. "Oh, uh well they weren't mad, especially cause I was with you. Not that your special or anything! I mean you are special! Well not special special. Just regular special. Not that your average or anything I think you're great! Really, what I was trying to sa-" You interjected him. "Camilo." He stopped rambling and looked at you. He was breathing heavily from just ranting. "Yeah?" "Are you sure everything's alright? You're acting kind of strange. Did I do something?" You watched him take a deep breath in and out. "Yeah, I'm just really tired, that's all." He stood up. "I have to get going, it was really nice seeing you." He flashed a really big smile at you, but you couldn't help but continue to be worried for him. "If you need anything you'll come talk to me, right?" He nodded his head. "I will." He began to walk off ,and you watched him as he went. You knew he wasn't acting this way because he was tired, but you weren't sure what it was. You came up with a plan to talk to him tomorrow and find out what he was trying to hide from you.


1. This chapter was so long 2. For such a long chapter, it is awfully written 3. Valentines Day is tomorrow so if happy Valentines Day

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