16) Back and Forth

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(y/n)'s POV: 

Not long after Camilo leaving, Mirabel came back and apologized for her absence. You forgave her and the two of you hung out for a little while longer, then you said you had to go home and get ready for a family thing. Mirabel offered to walk you, and you accepted.

As you were walking you turn to Mirabel. 

"Hey Mirabel, is Isabela single?" 

"Woahhhh making the moves on my cousin AND sister? You wanna be a Madrigal so badly don't you?" 

"Miabel!" you whine, "It's not like that! It's for my brother!" 

She rolls her eyes. "It's okay (y/n), you can be honest. I know just want to date one of my family members so you can be related to me. I get it."

"Yep. You got me." You deadpan. "Okay, but seriously, is she?" 

Mirabel laughs. "Yeah she is. You want to get them together?" 

You shrug. "Just for one date, so he won't snitch on me." 

She chuckles then stops and turns to you. "(y/n), you do realize the consequences that come with this, right?" 

You begin to panic. You weren't sure what she was talking about. "No...?" 

She grips your shoulders. "If you do this, you....won't....be..........................

....able to marry my cousin." 

You throw her hands off of you. "OH SHUT UP!" 

"You're blushing~" She teases. 

"I AM NOT!" You exclaim. "I'm going home!" 

"Bye (y/n)!!!!!" 

"Good day!" You say sarcastically mean.

You head into your home, and flop down onto your bed. You were tired, but you wanted to talk to Camilo again before tonight. You believe you finally figured out why he's being weird. What you thought was a dream, was actually real, and now he's being weird about it. Oh great. This was all your fault. You had to talk to him. With much effort, you pry yourself off of the bed. You brush your hair quickly and splash some cold water on your face as a wake up call. Time to head back to the Madrigal house. You swear you're there more than your own house. 

Once you get there, you knock three times on the door. It's Camilo that opens the door, and after some communication, you both decided to talk tomorrow since you have to get BACK home, even though you just came from there. Yay. "It's a date!" You hug him and turn to head back home before he can realize you're blushing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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