10) I Scream. You Scream. We All Scream. ✨for ice cream✨

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(y/n)'s POV

Camilo sits down next to you and you look up at the beautiful blue sky. You both just sit there, enjoying the moment. After not long you turn your head back to face Camilo, "So what do you want to do?" He puts a big grin on his face and says, "Come on." He takes your hand and begins to lead you somewhere. "Where are we going?" He only continues to smile, "You'll see." Finally, he brings you into a store you've never been in before. You look around and see the pink and white striped walls, feel the slight chill of the room, and the sweet smell of something that could be nothing but ice cream. Now you were grinning too, and you turn over to Camilo. "So, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" You both get ice cream and go sit outside. It was a cute little table that had an umbrella and two seats. You got (insert your favorite flavor or whatever you're in the mood for idk) and Camilo got cookie dough (if you got a problem with that we can fight in the comments) You watched as three little kids played in the street, and when you look back to your ice cream, you see the shapeshifter licking it. "Camilo!" You jerk your ice cream away from him gently, making sure the ice cream doesn't topple. "I wanted to try it!", he says defensively. "WELL, if you want to try it, next time, you may ask." He dramatically sighs and bats his eyes. "(y/n), may I please try some of your ice cream?" You smile at the cute boy and hand the ice cream cone to him. He happily takes it and gives you his. You watch as he happily tries your ice cream, and you go ahead and taste his. It was pretty good. You turn to look at Camilo. He looked as though this was the best thing he had ever tasted. "I'm eating the rest of this." You widen your eyes a little. "No. You're. Not. You're cute, but you're not getting my ice cream." You notice it seems Camilo has stopped working. "Camilo... you good?" He immediately seemed to recover after your voice. "Oh I'm great Bonita, just shocked that you won't give me your ice cream. Aren't I charming?" "Not enough for ice cream." He does a little pout and you both trade ice creams back. You look down at your cone. "I'm pretty sure this is more than just tasting the ice cream." He shrugs his shoulders. "Not my fault you have such a talent for picking ice cream." You sigh in an annoyed tone, but you have a large grin on your face. "Well next time we hang out, I'll pick something for you." Now he's grinning. "So what you're saying is that you'd hang out with me again?" You stand up, "Of course, I like spending time with you." He stands up too, and you both finish your ice cream while walking around town. You examine the area you're in. "Where are we?" He glances over to you, "There's somewhere I want to show you." You feel the butterflies of excitement in your chest. "Which is..?" Camilo takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. "Come on, I'll show you." He sure was one for not telling you where you were going. The two of you kept walking and you were kinda lost in thought, so you didn't realize it when you arrived. "Annnd, we're here!" You look up, and what you see is breathtaking. You could easily see the sun setting in front of you. There was a place without flowers looking directly at the setting sun, but every other spot on the ground had beautiful flowers sprinkling it. "Camilo..." He has a soft, gentle smile on his face. "Here, let's go sit." You follow his words and go to sit down, your hand still intertwined with his. You watch as the sun begins to set. It was such a peaceful scene, a nice change of pace. You lean your head onto Camilo's shoulder. He leans his head on yours. You both stay in this position and watch as your time together ends as does the day.

Smile Like the Sun (Camilo x Reader) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now