15) What's the Worst That Could Happen?

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Camilo's POV

UGHH. Dude, I'm so stupid! Since I realized my crush on (y/n) I can't seem to act normal around her! She thinks something is wrong with me, and I don't know what to do.

I go downstairs into the kitchen. "Hey hermano, why so blue?" I turn to see my sister Dolores standing in the doorway. I sigh and slump over in defeat. "It's my crush on (y/n). I kee-" "Knew it." My head turns to her. "Excuse me?" "I knew that you had a crush on (y/n). I tried telling you." I shapeshift into Dolores. I begin to mumble in a higher voice. "i TriEdDDdDdD tO teLL yOu mEh mEh mEhhhh i kNeW aLL aLoNg meH mHEh." I shift back and she's just rolling her eyes. 

"I think you should just tell her." 


"Why not?" 

"She'll reject me." 

"You don't know that." 

"Dolores. Do. You. Know. Something.?" 

"Hm." She turned around and walked out of the kitchen. 

"DOLORES!" I sigh knowing it's pointless. knock. knock. knock. 

I walk over to the door. "Not funny Dolores. You pull all that just so I'll get flustered when here a knock, and think it's (y/n). Well guess what Dolores?" I swing open the door. "It's not gonna work!" I throw my hands dramatically into the air and look where my sister should be, except it's not my sister. It's (Y/n)." "AHHHHHHHHH" I shapeshift into a bunch of different people before calming down. "Camilo! Is everything okay? Why are you screaming? Did I do something?" I start frantically trying to explain "No no! Once again, you DID NOT do anything! It was just supposed to be Dolores that all. So I was kind of suprised when it was you at the door and no-" 


My attention flickers back to her. "Yes?"

"Can we please talk? You've been acting different and I really want to sort things out." 

Great. I feel horrible now. "Yes, we can definitely talk. I'm so sorry about how I've been acting lately." 

She nervously laughs. "It's cool. I actually have to leave soon for a family thing. I just came by really quickly to make sure you were okay." 

"Oh yeah, I'm totally fine! Let's meet up tomorrow. By the water fountain?"  

"It's a date!" She quickly raps her arms around me then leaves. A date? Oh my gosh it's our first date! Or is it our second? Or do neither of these count? Ughh I don't know. I also don't know what I've gotten myself into. I can't continue lie to her, so that means tomorrow I am going to tell (y/n) how I feel. I mean, 

what's the worst that could happen? 


Famous last words right there. Kidding, kidding....unless...

Smile Like the Sun (Camilo x Reader) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now