9) Finding You

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Camilo's POV

I meant to be at (y/n)'s place earlier in the day, but I couldn't get excused until nearly afternoon. I get ready to go to her house to pick her up, until I realize something. I have no clue where she lives. Great. I considered finding Abuela, since she knows where everyone lives, but I decided against it because I just got off for a break. Instead, I find the one person who hears everything about everything. I find my sister, Dolores, and run up to her. "Dolores! Hey! So funny thing, I don't know where (y/n) lives so I was wondering if you could tell me where her house is?" She sighs in disappointment and asks, "Aren't you the one who planned for the two of you to hang out?" "Yes Dolores, I was. But these are issues of the past, so are you going to tell me the address or not?" "Hm. I could if you ask nicely." I groan in frustration. I was already late to hanging out with (y/n) and Dolores was being difficult. I decided to give her what she wants and I fold my hands put them up to my cheek. "DoloresSsSssSss, will you pretty please, tell me (y/n)'s address?" She lightly laughs at my attempt of asking nicely, "xxx xxx xxx" "Thanks Dolores! You're the best sis ever!" I begin to jog off to the address she gave and I end up on the front door. I take a deep breath in and knock. I expect (y/n) to answer the door, yet a younger girl answers it instead. I remember her from the dinner. She seems a little older than Antonio, maybe 6 or 7. I squat down so I'm more her height. "Hey kiddo, I'm looking for (y/n). Is she home?" An older, male voice answers me from behind the child. "Well well, if it isn't the boyfriend." I get up and see it's her older brother. He looks to be about Luisa's age. "I'm not her boyfriend." "Uhuh, sure you aren't. Look I won't tell my parents about (y/n)'s little boyfriend. I'm no snitch." The look in his eyes told me he was most definitely a snitch, and he was most definitely going to be telling someone. "I promise you I'm not her boyfriend, we only met yesterday. Is she home? We're supposed to hang out." He seemed to have stopped listening to me, so I turn my head back to the little girl for an answer. She simply shakes her head, so I take that as a no. "Thanks kiddo." I look back to the brother. "It's been a pleasure, but I gotta get going so...." He stares at me not saying anything, so I start to just back away. He finally speaks, "Are you going to leave or?" I take that as permission to leave, so I turn around and head off. He was strange. I shift my attention back to the problem at hand. How am I supposed to find (y/n)? I decided I don't really have a lead, so I just start wandering around town. It was starting to look hopeless, until I saw her sitting at the water fountain, radiant as ever. I notice she's talking to Mirabel. I shapeshift into an older man and head over to tap her on the shoulder. After our interaction, and Mirabel leaves, our day begins.

Smile Like the Sun (Camilo x Reader) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now