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"Cody!!" I screamed.

Cody came running in quickly with a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked looking over my body to make sure everything is okay.

"These colours don't match! I went to get more sea foam green and they gave me Amazon forest green. This is wrong! It's all wrong now," I said throwing the paint brush down.

Cody began to chuckle and run a hand through his hair.

"I'll fix it. You need to sit down," he said.

He helped me to the nearest chair and helped me down.

I was exhausted and I had only been standing for 10 minutes.

I put my hand on my belly and relaxed.

"I just want everything to be perfect," I said.

"It will be I promise," cody said reassuringly.

We only had 2 weeks before my due date and I felt like nothing is ready. My anxiety has been through the roof lately which just makes me even more anxious knowing I'm anxious.

"Babe it will all work out I promise. Jake is coming over as we speak and we're gonna put together the room. I swear you'll have your sea foam green room by tomorrow," he said.

"Thank you," I said.

Not only were we having a baby, we were having it at an Australian hospital. I hope nothing is different because you never know Australians may do stuff different. I would go back home to Florida for the birth of our son Jackson but I can't fly.

Luckily everyone in my family agreed to fly down under.

I don't get to see them as much since cody and I moved to Australia 4 years ago.

The last thing I expected was to get pregnant.

Cody and I weren't married yet which rubbed people the wrong way. I mean I didn't need a ring to tell me that Cody and I were going to be together forever.

He started his own label. He got tired of his old one telling him what to sound like. Cody was really happy when he broke free.

"Kaitlynn so I was thinking," Cody started, "we've come so far ya know. Remember when you first joined me on tour? You and Melanie almost killed Kylie Jenner."

"She had it coming," I said, "don't forget about the time we got lost in the woods while horse back riding. Wonder how your neighbours, The Snakes, are doing."

"And the time we tried to go to a rave," Cody laughed, "and when you dressed up as Matilda. That was a fun day."

"That was so long ago," I said.

"And I wanna keep making memories like that," Cody said, "Kaitlynn you were my first love and my only love. We've beat the odds so many times. You've been with me through the roughest times in my life and I've helped you through things. We are a team, always have been a team. I remember the first time we ever made love. As you slept I just watched you and admired how beautiful you are and I realised something. I never want to let you go. Now you're mothering my child and God I love you so much. Kaitlynn will you marry me?"

He handed me a ring and kissed my hand.

"Cody. I love you too of course i wanna fucking marry you," I said crying.

Oh the pregnant hormones are kicking in.

"Thank you so much," Cody said hugging me.

"Fuck. You're making me cry," I said.

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