Chapter 3

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Can someone tell me how I went from perfectly fine to standing in front of the one person who makes me not fine? I imagined running away and not looking back but my feet wouldn't move. It was like I was paralysed because I couldn't move or say anything.

"Ladies and Gentleman please welcome Cody Simpson!" The announcer said. Cody took his gaze off of me and focused on the crowd. He began singing Pretty Brown Eyes and I just sat there and watched.

Then I realised Alli is standing behind me so I turned around and grabbed her arm. I drug her to where Melanie and I were sitting. Most of the eyes were on Cody but I could feel people staring at me. When I reached Melanie she was just as in shock as I was.

Cody finished PBE and started singing La Da Dee. He approached the fence to sing to some girls but of course he has to be a douche and sing to me. "ALL THE GIRLS ARE LOOKIN FINE BUT YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE ON MY MIND," he sang. Then came over the fence and stood in front of me. "When you were gone I think of you," he sang.

All eyes were on us. I can not believe what he is doing right now. I wanted to punch him straight in the face and beat his brains in. But what did I do instead? I pushed him away and stomped off to my car. I didn't look back at the stadium because it hurt to much. So I sat in my and screamed at the top of my lungs.

I pulled out my cigarettes and lit one. Someone knocked on my window and I looked up to see Alli. "Kaitlynn please let me in," she said. I ignored her at first but then let her in. She sat down and stared straight. "A-are you smoking?" She asked all innocently. "Yes," I said flatly. "Oh," she said. It stayed quiet for a while before one of us spoke. "I missed you," she said. I looked down and took in the smoke. Letting it full my lungs then releasing it. "I missed you too," I said, "I'm sorry for ignoring your calls and stuff but I needed my space and time." She looked at me and smiled, "it's okay," she said, "lets just put it behind us. How about we go back inside and visit my mum and dad. They really want to see you." I laughed and said, "how about no. I mean I love your mom and dad but I am not seeing Cody," I said. "He won't be there! He has to go somewhere else! Please please please please go!" She begged.

I can't believe what I'm doing. "Okay," I said opening my door an throwing my cig onto the ground. I stomped it out with my vans then sprayed perfume on myself to cover up the smell. I also got some gum to cover the smell on my breath.

We walked to the security guards guarding the back entrance. When they saw Alli they let us through. Melanie was already back there talking to Angie and Brad. No sign of Cody. Okay good.

"Kaitlynn!" Angie yelled hugging me, "sweetie how are you?" She asked releasing me. "Very good. How about you guys?" I asked. I really missed the Simpson family minus their oldest son. Cody was 17 now. Okay now I really have to stop thinking about him.

We talked for about 45 minutes and got caught up. Alli was now a signed high fashion model. We avoided the subject of Cody completely. It was getting late and I was hungry so I decided that I would leave soon. But nothing in my life can go smoothly. As I was turning around to find Alli a large brick wall hit my face. Or should I say a large jerk face boy crashed into me.

I looked up to be met with the eyes of a mister Cody Simpson. I was frozen in my spot and couldn't even form a sentence.

C'mon say something.


Say something.

Or you could run.

I pushed past him and took off down the dark sidewalk towards the gym. The sidewalk was slightly lit up by the lights on the posts. I stopped running and started walking because I didn't hear any footsteps behind me.

I was turning a corner when a pair of hands grabbed me and covered my mouth. I couldn't see who they belonged to and I couldn't get out of their grip. I tried squirming out but it was no use. My soon to be killer laughed and I could feel their breath on my neck.

Why did I have to run away from Cody?! I am so stupid and now I'm going to die because of him! Now I'm gonna haunt him. Yep Cody better watch out because I'm coming for him in the afterlife.

The serial killer pushed me against the brick wall but turned me around to face them.

Oh fuck.

Cody was my rapist. My ex boyfriend tried kidnapping me! He still had his hand on my mouth. I tried getting it off but I couldn't move my arms. "Shh," he said putting a finger over his mouth, "I'm going to uncover your mouth. Please don't or run away again."

Bitch I will cut you if you hold me here. Where the hell is Melanie?! Maybe he killed her and he's about to kill me because I left him. Maybe he's one of those 'if I can't have her then no one can' kind of boys. Yep I'm gonna die.

I nodded my head as he uncovered my mouth. I didn't say anything because i didn't want him to kill me. "Now I'm not going to kill you so relax," he said. Relax?! That's the last thing I'm going to do! Honestly I think he's on meth.

He itched the back of his head then said, "I knew you were gonna run so I ha to kidnap you... Sorry. But uh I missed you. I really want us to be friends again." "You missed me? Hm maybe you should of thought of not cheating on me then maybe we could of been friends," I spat at him. I pushed him away and started walking down the sidewalk. "Can we please talk?" He asked frustrated. I got an evil smirk on my face. I turned to him and said, "you wanna talk? Then talk to your fans." He looked confused then caught on. But before he could do anything I yelled, "OH MY GOD IT'S CODY SIMPSON!" Hundreds of girls all ran towards him. I gave him a wink and then walked to my car like the bad ass I am.

Melanie was waiting for me and I got in without saying anything. I drove her home and then I drove to my house. Halfway there I got a text from this really hot guy named Brooks.

Brooks: hey(: wanna hang out?

Me: sure! But where?

Brooks: um meet me at my house! Adress is 429 luckwood lane.

Me: be there soon(:


Brooks forgot to mention that he was home alone. And usually when a boy and girl are alone things happen. Sexual things that I'm not ready for. I'm still a virgin and I plan on keeping it that way.

I was sitting in his game room while he went to get me a drink. He came back with a bottles of beer. "Want some?" He asked. "Hells yea," I said. I grabbed a bottle and popped off the lid.

I drank 3 bottles and was feeling the affects. Okay I was drunk as all get out. Sorry I'm a light weight! But I was still mildly sane. I was sitting on the floor next to Brooks watching him drink his bottle. He set it down on the floor and stared at me. Before I knew it he leaned in and we were making out. His tongue entered my mouth and out mouthed moved in sync.

I felt his hands grip my waist as he moved on top of me.

Stop. Go home.

Shut up brain! Maybe I want this.

No you don't. You want Cody!

Brooks moved my shirt up a little and I grabbed his hands in mine to convert him from taking my clothes off. He kissed my neck which felt pretty amazing. He tried taking my shirt off so I pulled away from him and said, "brooks no." He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and said, "but please." "No," I said flatly. He sighed and said, "alright I'll respect that." He got off of me and looked at his phone. It was 1 in the morning.

I decided that it was time to leave. I kissed brooks one last time and said goodnight.

I drove home safely thank god! My vision was blurry as hell and I could barely form a sentence. As I got home I entered my house. I was walking up my stairs quietly when I light switched on.

My heart stopped and I turned around slowly. My dad is going to kill me. As I turned around ready to face my dad I was faced with a completely different person.

Their name?

Cody Robert Simpson.

"Are you drunk?" He asked.

Then all I remember is passing out right there.

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