Chapter 2

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My first two days of school went okay I guess. So the third day I was kinda used to my schedule and my new friends. Well I had one new friend if you would even call her my friend. Okay she's just the girl who sits in front of me during history but we talk occasionally.

Today we were preparing for the big pep rally we have twice a year. It's called raider roar and it's basically the biggest thing at our school. We all come to school at night to watch the team performances and fireworks.

I heard this year we are having a special guest but I have no idea who it is. The principle won't release the name so we just have to wait.

As I got home from school I went to my room and started my AP homework. It took me 2 hours to just do the vocabulary words. So by 4 pm I was tired and wanted to relax. so I decided to go on a longboard ride so I got in my car and drove to the beach. I put in my headphones and jammed out to the album Tourist History by Two Door Cinema Club.


*Cody's POV*

I landed in Jacksonville 3 hours ago. I sat in my hotel room trying to not go to Kaitlynn's house. All I wanted to do was see her and her smile. I wanted to know that she's okay.

In 2 days I'm performing at the school in her town. I wonder if she'll freak when she hears I'm in town. Maybe she'll want to talk to me and see me. Maybe she misses me too and she'll agree to go our with me for a night.

Who am I kidding? The last thing she said to me was that she hates me. But that moment before she left seemed like she wanted to take it all back. As she laid in bed with me I couldn't help feel like a total jerk.

I had written her a song that night called Summertime Of Our Lives. I put it on the album hoping she would enjoy it. Actually the whole album is about her. I wonder if she has listened to it.

~~~~~~~~~2 days later~~~~~~~~

*Kaitlynn's POV*

Tonight is finally the night of raider roar! I got dressed in my short black high waisted shorts and white crop top with black vans. I threw on a black beanie then decided I looked good enough.

I picked up Melanie and headed to the school. I was feeling pretty stressed for some reason so I grabbed my cigarettes and lit one up. Almost instantly I felt more calm.

As we pulled to the school I threw the cig out the window and rolled it up. A white van was parked behind the cafeteria so I'm guessing that's the special guests. It reminded me of the ones that I used to ride in with Cody.

Melanie and I paid to get into the stadium an took seats in the front row. Right before it started I felt hungry so I went to buy some fries. I was walking an humming to myself when some girl pushed passed me. She had blond hair sticking out from her ball cap and was dressed pretty nice. She turned but not enough to where I could see her face. "Sorry!" She said quickly running away.

Okay I know that voice and that hair.. But it couldn't be. I mean it absolutely positively was not Alli Simpson.

The lights dimmed signalling that the performer was about to come on. I didn't care to take my seat. I followed the girl and grabbed her elbow making her face me.

I dropped my bag and money in hand. I slowly let go of her elbow and moved backwards. Standing in front of me was Alli. She looked a bit older but still had her same tan, beautiful face.

Then it hit me. I heard music playing in the back and the faint sound of waves. I looked at Alli and whispered, "no this isn't happening."

I turned around and saw my worst fear. Standing about 20 feet away from me was Cody. He looked a bit taller and more muscular. His face was still the same and his hair was in its normal quiff. I couldn't help but stare at him. And the worst part of this all?

He was staring right back at me.



Hey guys(: so I have a couple of things to say!!! First off if you are reading this then I wanna say a big thank you! I love you haha

Next., because school has started my updates won't be as frequent seeing how I know take an AP class. But I will update every weekend and when I can during the week! I honestly love writing this story and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Oh and this book will be more mature than the last. Meaning it will contain language, drugs, alcohol, sex, and partying like freakin hooligans!

So yea that's pretty much it!

So good vibes to you and happy trails ✌

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