Chapter 10

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"Do you still like me?" He asked.

Oh shit.

Say yes! Tell him how you feel!!

"Cody I-"


"Cody I don't," I said.

Cody looked at me with big eyes. Did he think I would say yes?! He did me wrong in the past! I don't forget that stuff.

"Okay then," he said with no emotion in his voice, "did you give up on me?"

I bit my lip and I couldn't look at him anymore. I was staring at my sweating hands hoping Cody would leave soon. I couldn't tell him my real feelings because he didn't deserve my heart again.

He finally stood up and walked to my door realising the answer. Before he left he turned around and said, "I like you and I'll never give up on you."

That pissed me off. Why? Because he's so stupid that he thinks I'm going to take him back. I never want him back no matter what my heart says. My head knows better.

I stood up and pushed him out of my way. I grabbed my Keys off of my steps and made my way to my car.

I threw sandals on while on my way out and jumped into my car. Then I pulled out of my driveway not knowing or caring where I was going.

It started to rain heavy the closer I got to the beach. Yes the beach is the answer to everything. It's just so relaxing and has good vibes. And it's 9:30 at night already so it should be empty.

I came to a red light so I decided to check my phone. I had 400 messages from Cody saying that he's sorry. He can fuck himself for all I care.


I arrived at the beach and parked in an empty parking lot. I turned to my backseat to grab my hoodie. I slipped it on then grabbed my headphones. The breathe Carolina album has been on reply for a while.

But before I got out of my car I reached my hand into the back compartment and grabbed my emergency stash of weed.

I threw my good up and trudged my way down to the sand. I sat down under the boardwalk so I couldn't get totally soaked by the rain.

I lit up the blunt and took a drag. I closed my eyes and leaned back to lay on the sand. I took in the smoke and let it fill my lungs and calm my nerves.

The rain stopped after about 45 minutes so I took off my hoodie. I was wearing shorts with an American flag half shirt. So I was a bit cold but the sweatshirt was too hot.

I sat up and looked around at my surroundings. There was some guy walking towards me so I pulled out my headphones and fast walked to my car. I was a bit out of it since I smoked.

"Hey wait up!" He yelled.

Oh hell no!

I tried running but I tripped and fell like a retarded dead girl. My about to be rapist caught up to me.

Ugh I curse Cody for making me almost die again.

"Hey are you okay?" The guy asked, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

I looked up to see a beautiful creature. He was really tall and fit with tattoos all over him along with a black quiff. He looked to be about 19.

"I'm travis, Travis Mills," he said. Travis extended his hand to help me up but I got up myself.

I turned and started walking away again but Travis caught up and grabbed my wrist.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked, "I saw you smoking and then just laying there." I snatched my wrist back and said, "I'm fine." Travis smirked then said, "a pretty girl like you shouldn't be sitting out here alone."

He may be sexy but he has them bedroom eyes and I don't want the bedroom. I swallowed hard then said, "I can handle myself."

Travis moved closer to me closing the space between us. He was still smirking when he said, "oh can you now? I guess someone is feeling like a badass tonight. Well sweetheart I'm here to say that you should probably go home and go study."

Does he think this cockiness is a turn on? Cos it definitely is! I squinted my eyes and folded my arms. "Sorry to break it to you but I'm not the type to listen to random boys from the beach so I'm not going home," I said. Travis laughed and said, "alright miss cheeky you win. So you wanna tell me your name?"

I smirked and said, "Kaitlynn." Travis smiled and said, "nice name. So uh wanna go to a party?" I grinned, "hell yes."


What in the hell have I gotten myself into.

This party was more like a porn movie with crack an LSD everywhere. People were making out and basically having sex all over the place. In the corner there were people taking syringes to their arms and shooting something into their vains.

I kept a tight grip on travis's arm as he brought me through the insane asylum.

We made our way to the back room so we could get away from the mess outside.

Travis shut the door so we could block out the music an smell of only god knows what.

I pulled out my phone and texted my mom that I'm at Melanie's and to not worry. She texted me back and said okay. Wow the dumb bitch actually believed me.

"So you got another blunt?" Travis asked. I nodded and pulled out two more from my pocket. I could go for another hit right about now. Travis took them out of my hands then threw them in the trash next to the couch. I stood up to get them back but travis held me back.

"What was that for?" I yelled. "A girl like you shouldn't be smoking that," he said. He pulled me down onto the couch so I was sitting next to him.

"So tell me about yourself," he said. I looked at him and said, "I'm 16, a junior, and I really wanna smoke right now," I said annoyed. "Okay well I'm 20, I graduated already, and no you're not going to get them back," travis said.

I folded my arms across my chest and made a pouting face. "Still not getting them babe," he said. "Fine," I said sanding up to leave but before I walked out, I mumbled, "you're just like him." "Wait," he said. He grabbed me by my wrist and pushed me against the wall.

This whole taking control thing is really great.

Travis put his hands on my waist so I was closer to him. He leaned his head in and kissed me. I wrapped my hands in his hair as his tongue grazed my bottom lip asking for entry and I granted it to him. He put his hand behind my thighs and lifted then up so he was now holding me.

And that's when we fell to the couch both wanting each other.


It was about 3 in the morning when I stumbled home from Travis's.

I smiled at the thought of him.

No we didn't have sex but he said he wanted to see me again. So I gave him my number. Then we got drunk and the rest is kind of a blur but we had fun.

I made my way to my room and was greeted by Alli.

"Oh my god Kaitlynn you're back!" She squealed. "Yea but I have a killer headache so imma pass out," I said trying to sound sober. "Alright. You go to sleep and I'll go tell Cody that you're home and safe," Alli said. I nodded and got into bed.

I closed my eyes and was ready to fall asleep.

Then all of a sudden I puked off to the side of my bed and boy was it gross.

Ugh this is what I get.



Hey guys!!! So I'm 16 now!! Yay!!! So I went to see T mills and breathe Carolina for my birthday and it was amazing! I got pictures with t and David Schmitt!

So yea that explains the whole new travis character! So uh yes that's it.

Oh and the next chapter is gonna get good!! So stick around'

So yea uh good vibes to you and happy trails ✌

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