Chapter 14

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When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. -Lao Tzu


"Now boarding for flight 904 to New York," the woman said.

I turned to my mom and hugged her tight. "Be good and check in everyday," she said, "I love you." "I love you too," I said.

Then I walked to my dad and hugged him very very tightly. "I love you daddy," I said. "I love you too pumpkin," he said.

Taking a deep breath I waved goodbye to my parents then went over to my second parents. Angie and Brad Simpson.

Angie put her arm around me as we walked to the plane where the rest of the Simpson's were and Melanie.

Lucky Melanie was coming with us on this journey. Melanie is the only person who can make me feel like a dime when I'm a penny. I honestly don't remember how Melanie and I began talking. I just always remember us being friends. Well honestly she's more like a sister or a twin that I never had. As long as she was with me everything would be so much better.

"So here are your tickets," Justin said handing each of us papers.

"Aw I'm next to Tom," Alli said.

"I'm with Flo," Melanie said.

"I'm with the hubby," Angie said.

"So I'm sitting alone. Okay that's cool," I said.

Cody walked up to me and said, "check again love. Looks like we're together on this flight."

I looked at Justin and he just winked at me. He knew what he was doing. I'm not saying that I'm not happy with sitting next to Cody but we're still in the awkward phase.

I grabbed my bag and headed to my seat next to Cody. I decided that the window was the best seating option so I could just stare out of it for most of the time.


It was around 9 pm when we landed in New York City.

When we walked out from the airport I was instantly greeted by one of the best sights I have ever seen. Lights were shinning everywhere and people were bustling by like it was 1 in the afternoon.

The smell of food filled my lungs along with a hint of trash. There were food carts lined up the sidewalks that looked like they were straight out of a movie.

The third thing I noticed was the wind that blew right through me. A shiver escaped me and my teeth began to chatter.

Something warm draped over me and I noticed Cody put his leather jacket over me. "Th-thanks," I said through my chattering teeth. "No problem. So uh what do you think of New York?" Cody asked. "It's amazing! I wanna see more," I said slipping my arms through the jacket. Cody got an evil smirk on his face and looked at me. "How about we take off?" He asked, "I know where we're staying so lets just leave and go explore. Just us two." I smiled and looked over at the Simpson's, Melanie, Justin, and Flo.. "Let's go," I said.

Cody and I started walking off when we heard Justin yelling our names.


"Run!" Cody said.

Cody intertwined our fingers as we took off down the sidewalk. We bobbed and weaved through the busy people. Some of them shouting profanities at us and pushing us back.

I turned around to see Justin following us. "Cody he's behind us!" I yelled over all the people.

Cody pulled me into the direction of a subway and pushed down the stairs. We came to ticket scanner then realised that we didn't have tickets. Cody turned around and picked me up then helped me over the rail. Then he jumped over himself and grabbed my hand pulling me with him.

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