Chapter 21

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I woke up feeling like absolute shit.

The clock read 7 am. Too early for my liking.

How did i even get into my bed last night?

I looked over to my side to see Cody sound asleep next to me. His hair was going every which way. His clothes had a few stains on them from drinks being spilt.

I looked at myself to see the skirt and shirt from the night before. I threw the sheets off of me and sat up.

Not a single memory came to me of the night before.

I placed my feet on the hardwood floor. I raised my arms to stretch them.

Cody moved a bit as I got up but didn't wake up.

I walked to my closet to get on comfy clothes. I knew how to deal with hangovers very well now from the past years events. I just don't know how well Cody can.

Is he even hung over?

I couldn't remember a thing.

I shook my head of the thoughts and and then walked downstairs.

I could hear Cody's parents talking in the kitchen. When they saw me they sent warm smiles.

"Hey Hun," brad said, "feeling better?"

"Why wouldn't I be good?" I questioned.

"You don't remember last night?" Angie asked.

Oh god where is this going

"Not a thing," I said.

Brad and Angie looked at each other with eyes big.

"You and Cody got in a huge fight. You ended up kissing Jake which caused a bigger fight," brad said.

Then like a ton of bricks hitting me, I remembered everything.



11:45 PM.

Ryan Nassif's beach house.

"Jake you're here mate!" Cody yelled approaching the beaming blond.

"I missed you too much," Jake replied.

He stood with a beer in his hand, gleaming at Cody.

I couldn't deny that they missed each other.

"Kaitlynn!" Jake yelled stepping towards me.

He engulfed me in a warm, friendly hug.

"Heard you two got back together," he beamed.

I almost ripped his mouth off of his face at the words.

"Keep your voice down," I said, "people don't know still."

"Oh sorry," jake said.

"Maybe we should tell people," Cody said.

"Maybe we shouldn't. You get the positive comments while I get the 'she's a slut' comments. I'm not ready for that," I admitted.

Cody frowned and them laced his arm up my waist. The contact made my stomach do backflips and made my skin vibrate.

"But I want to be able to hold your hand in public," he said.

"Soon okay?" I said to get him off of my back.

A tray of drinks walked past that were going to a drinking game so I grabbed a shot. Downing it easily.

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