Chapter 18

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You know what I hate?

Alarm clocks.

Those things are always going off and running perfect sleep with their dings. Even just hearing one on a television commercial makes me cringe. And they remind me that I have to wake up so early that I need something to get me up because without it I wouldn't.

It's 4 am and I'm ready to just go to the interview looking like a zombie. But nooooo! I gotta get up and get ready to go in for hair and make up today as well as outfit choices.

"Codes," I groaned as he smacked the alarm.

"I know," he mumbled back, "five more minutes."

I didn't object to Cody's request of laying in bed more. I snuggled more into his chest and pulled the covers closer. Cody's breathing was smooth and quiet but I could hear it.

After a while I turned over to face Cody. He was already looking at me with a goofy smile.

"Watcha looking at?" I said.

"A beautiful girl who I love very much," he said.

"Oh," I said blushing. Cody sure knew a way with words.

"We gotta get up don't we?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded sitting up and yawning. I reached my hands into the air and stretched.

Cody sat up next to me. His bare chest almost gave me a heart attack. I wasn't used to seeing that in the morning.

I threw the covers off and placed my feet on the cold hardwood floor.

"Are you ready for Awesomenesstv?" Cody asked while yawning.

"As I'll ever be," I said, "how long are they filming with us?"

"3 weeks I think," he answered, "but only during rehearsals."

AwesomenessTV thought it would be great to do a behind the scenes series of rehearsals for the tour. Which meant Cody and I had to act like we were casual. I mean it can't be that hard. It's not like every second we snog each other's faces off.

But I don't like lying to Cody's fans. I know they'll be accepting but I don't know about some of them.

I sighed at my thoughts and Cody took notice. He pulled me between his legs and wrapped his legs and arms around me.

"What's wrong?" He asked making a pouty face.

"It's just," I sighed again, "I don't want to keep lying to the fans about us dating."

"I know angel but we're not lying. Just not coming out yet. It will all be okay I promise," he said.

"It better be Simpson," I said.

I kissed Cody and then turned to get out of his grasp. He got up and exited the room. But not before he quickly stole another kiss from my cheek.

I started to strip off my clothes to hop in the shower. Thank god the room connected to one. Just as I pulled my bra off my door swung open revealing a wild Ali Simpson.

"ALI!" I yelled.

She closed the door and waved her hand in a dismissing way. "You've seen one boob, you've seen them all," she said.

"Haha oh my god Ali," I laughed.

I kept an arm around my chest as I searched for my shampoo from my bag.

"You've got nice boobs," Ali said, "I wish mine were nicer."

I looked over at Ali who was now grabbing her chest and examining it.

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