Chapter 4

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You know that feeling where you know you're gonna throw up but you don't? So you sit there with the feeling of your stomach sloshing around. Well that's the feeling I have right now.

I woke up at 3 in the morning dry heaving. I had a killer head ache and felt like just dying. I thought my body was going to give out at any moment. So I just laid in bed and moaned my way through the pain. How did I even get to my bed? Brooks must of carried me in.

I had this funny dream that Cody showed up and tried talking to me. Damn how drunk was I?


I woke up at noon even more tired than when I first fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my limbs. I got out of bed then walked downstairs to see what's going on.

There was 3 things I didn't notice.

1. This isn't my normal family.

2. I'm wearing one of Cody's shirts.

3. I'm not wearing pants!

Good thing Cody's shirt was long enough to cover my butt! I t actually came to my mid thigh.

I stared at the familiar boy and girl. Rubbing my eyes again and then slapping them. They turned around and I grabbed their faces. "Uh are you still drunk?" Cody asked. I furrowed my eyebrows at him then punched his arm. "Get out!" I yelled. "What?" He asked. "GET OUT!" I screamed pushing him to the door. "What is going on in here?" My mom asked. "We have an infestation," I said flatly. "What? Angie and Brad wanted to go on a getaway so I told them that we would watch over Cody, Alli, and Tommy for a week," my mother said.

What the actual hell is going on?! This isn't real! Like I'm not going to be spending a week with this jerk. Alli and Tommy can stay but Cody can sleep in the streets for all I care.

"Mom!" I shrieked! "Don't yell at me like that before I beat your ass! Now go upstairs and get dressed," my mom said. I crossed my arms and stomped to my room. I opened my closet and grabbed some high waisted jean shorts and a white bandeau (idk how to spell it lol). I straightened my hair that came to my mid back then threw on my white vans.

I walked to my mom's room and told her I was going to the beach to protest the presence of the enemy. "Kaitlynn it was over a year ago and it's just stupid teen love! Get over it," she said. "Never," I said walking out.

I was walking through the kitchen when I was stopped by a retarded boy. "I wanna go," Cody said. "No," I said trying to get past him. He stood in front of me and wouldn't let me pass. "C'mon please! I really wanna go to the beach," he pleaded. "Call a taxi," I said annoyed. "Take him Kaitlynn," my mom said from her room. "Fine get in the car loser," I said.

We walked to my car and turned the air conditioning on because it was hot as hell inside. Cody turned the radio on and pretty brown eyes was playing. It just doesn't end!!! I changed the station but just decided to plug my phone in. 'We own the night' by the wanted started playing and I rolled down the windows and the sun thing at the top. I backed out of my drive way and started down the road.

I turned the radio up to avoid any conversation with the enemy. The ride to the beach was about a good 30 minutes. Hmm let me make this interesting. I grabbed my phone when we were at a red light. "Texting and driving isn't safe ya know," Cody said. I gave him the Seth stare then looked back at my phone. I scrolled through my music until I found it. "Listen to this," I said. I turned on Bump in The Road.

The light turned green and I sped off merging onto the highway. I sang along to the song and occasionally looked at Cody singing the lyrics. He knew I turned this song on because of him. "YOU WON'T BE WASTING MY TIME!" I sang in his face.

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