Chapter 9

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We arrived home in record time thanks to my lead foot.

I got out of my car and headed to my room to start my homework. I put my headphones in then turned on some Hoodie Allen.

I started to doze off on my history book. Sleep is good. Sleep is my friend. Sleep makes me happy.

As soon as I fell asleep something or someone, jumped onto my bed making me jump. I looked next to me only to find the one and only Cody.

"Watcha doin?" He asked. "Sleeping," I said, "and doing homework. "For what class? Napping 101?" He said like a smart ass. Hmm 2 can play at this game. "No I'm done with that class, now I'm onto I'm about to kick your ass 101," I said.

Cody's phone started going off from my floor. I guess it fell out when he jumped on me. I picked it up and saw that it was a message from the queen B herself, Brianna.

Brianna 😘: hey (; so when are we gonna go on that date?

It felt like a ton of bricks hit me and then a rocket launcher came and blew me sky high. He's going on a date with her?! They just fucking met!

Why do you care? I thought you didn't like him.


You sound like Melanie.


"Who is it?" Cody asked me bringing me out of my thoughts. "Uh just Erm Brianna," I said awkwardly. Cody grabbed the phone from my hands then drew his eyes to mine.

We stood in an awkward silence. Neither of us wanting to address this topic of dating other people.

I never imagined Cody dating another girl. Even though I hate him, I still love him so much. I couldn't see another girl besides me, standing at his side during interviews or meet and greets.

I couldn't take the awkwardness anymore so I blurted out, "do you like her?!" Cody seemed taken back and itched the back of his head. "I mean I like what I know so far," he said. I nodded and looked down.

Was there a tear forming in my eye? No Kaitlynn. You do not care about him liking her. Forget about the both of them.

I sat down on my bed and brought my legs up to my chest. I didn't make eye contact with Cody because it was already awkward enough.

Cody sat next to me and took a sigh. "I think it's time we had... The talk," he said.

Uh what talk? Like sex talk?! That's from my mom and dad! Not fucking Cody!

"W-what talk?" I asked nervously. "The awkward talk about how we feel about seeing other people," Cody said. "Oh," I said half relieved. But the other half was screaming bitch you are mine! But I still had to act tough. Oh forget it! Cody needs to know how I feel. But how do I feel? I still love Cody and I wanna take him back but now he's with Brianna. And plus he did cheat on me so who's to say that he won't cheat on me again.

I looked at Cody and said, "Cody I'm not gonna sit here and tell you who you can and can't date. Yea it's gonna be different not being with each other but I'm sure we can get through it." Cody nodded his head then turned to me. "Do you still like me?" He asked.

Oh shit.

Say yes! Tell him how you feel!!

"Cody I-"



Ahhhh cliff hanger!

Yes I know this is extremely short but the next chapter is gonna be loooooooooooooong!!!!

Anyways my birthday is tomorrow so I'm gonna spend it doing what I love(: going to a concert with the real life Melanie! No it's not Cody's concert but it's for T Mills, breathe Carolina, the ready set, and parkridge! (:

So hopefully it will be a good sweet 16!!!

Anyways good vibes to you and happy trails ✌

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