Can i do this?

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After my meeting with Joe and Anthony I sit on a bench over looking a lake. They had offered me the job, temporarily to coverage. They didn't know how long she would be out but needed someone to quickly take over. I of course said yes, how could I not.
"There you are" I turn and see chris walking towards me "what you doing over here?"
"Just thinking"
"What did Joe and Anthony want?"
"They asked me to step in while Lauren is away"
"Wow really"
"That's great. Means I get to see you everyday"
"Chris, you'd get to see me anyways"
"I know but with you on set it means we can play lots of pranks"
I laugh "such a child"
I notice Seb walking towards us "great" I whisper and chris looks over "you okay?"
"Yeah I will be" chris nods and walks back over to the food van. Seb sits down next to me
"Word is your going to working here for a while"
"Yeah. Just covering for Lauren"
"That's great"
"Yeah it will be"
"Look Ellie can we talk?"
"I thought we were"
"Funny. You know what I mean"
"Seb there isn't anything to talk about, we had a thing we don't anymore that's it"
"Ellie come on"
"Seb please. I don't want to bring up the past"
"Ok" he got up and walked away.
I knew it was stupid but I loved that man and he broke my heart. I couldn't fall back into that trap. Scarlet comes walking over to me
"What did he want?"
"To talk. But told him no"
"That's my girl" chris and scarlet were my best friends and they knew all about me and seb and my feelings and what happened. And scarlet wasnt too pleased when she found out.
"He has a girlfriend you know"
I look at her shocked "wow! Guess it really was just me then huh"
"No don't do that. He was an idiot for not seeing what was in front of him"
I smiled and we got up and walked over to everyone.
"Hey Ellie belly"
"Chris really?"
He laughed "we are all going out tonight you should join us"
"Yea come on it will be fun"
"Fine if I must"
Scarlet hugged me and then they all had to get back to set. As they walked past they kissed me on the cheek every last one of them. It made me smile. They were my family and I loved them all so much.
I made my way to the make up trailer and went to head in, I heard two girls inside talking, talking about me.
"God I don't get why she can just waltz in here and be in charge just cuz she is Downey's niece it's ridiculous"
"Well she is used to getting her own way. Rich bitches always are"
As I'm listening I'm smiling and I see scarlet walking over with Lizzie. I put my finger to my lip and sneak up to the door to listen with me. They go on and on about how much of a spoilt brat I am etc and then they start talking about chris "well Evans is mine so she better stay away from him. Otherwise I swear to god I don't know what I'll do"
I start laughing and so do scarlet and Lizzie, we try to stay quiet so they don't hear us. Once we calm down we walk into the trailer.
"Hi I'm Ellie your new boss for a while"
"Hi Ellie, I'm Alice and this is Louise we are Lauren right hand girls"
"Right. Well I heard you were more like her lackies. So I guess now your mine. So I want every station set up for the next set of looks and I want it to be in order. No mess ups got it"
They both just nod at me "words ladies I need words"
"Yea of course"
"And you won't be working on anyone. I got this on my own thanks"
"No buts next time try checking the door before you slag someone off got it"
Just before they were going to say something chris walked in "there's my favourite girl"
I walk over to him and pull him into a hug, I whisper in his ear "just go with whatever happens next okay" he just nods.
"Baby, there you are I've missed you." I pull chris into a kiss and it feels so weird. It's like kissing me brother. Both girl turn away and huff before leaving the trailer to grab the bits I asked for. Me, Scarlett and Lizzie burst in laughter.
"What the hell?"
"Sorry chris. They decided to talk about me behind my back and then one has a crush on you so I got my own back"
He starts laughing "okay fair enough but please don't kiss me again. I love you but not like that."
"Deal" we shake hands and laugh some more.
I get on and do everyone's next style for there character. It goes along seemlessly and Alice and Louise stay out of my way.
The last person in is Seb. He sits down in the chair and I start on his hair.
I feel him staring at me "so Scarlett tells me you have a girlfriend"
"Kind of"
"Kind of? It's either a yes or a No Seb"
"Yeah I do"
"I'm happy for you" he sighs "Ellie?"
"What? It's fine Seb we both moved on. It's not like we were in a relationship so it's okay"
He just nods and smiles at me through the mirror .
"Right your all done"
"I would still really like to talk when you have. Spare 5 minutes"
"I'll try but I'm really busy at the moment"
"What about tonight?"
"Tonight? I can't we are all going out remember and chris wants to talk. He is suffering with his anxiety and needs a Ellie night"
"Okay. Another night then?"
"Maybe okay"
"Ok" he walks out of the trailer and I fall back into the chair. Talking with Seb is not going to help me at all. I need to try and stay away from him.

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