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I wake up suddenly. I stretch and my hand hits something, I look over and chris is passed out to the side of me still in his suit. I decide to be really mean and push him off the bed. He jumps up suddenly and I burst out laughing.
"That was not funny"
"It really was" I try to catch my breath "what are you doing in here?"
"Well you were upset so I didn't want to leave you"
"Awwwww your such a softie Chrissy"
"God don't call me that. Your my best friend I wasn't going to leave you"
"Well thank you"
"Your welcome. I need coffee"
"Me too. Why don't we shower and get dressed and go out and get some?"
"I'm not showering with you"
I throw a pillow at him and he laughs "not what I meant dork"
"Alright, I'll go to my room, get sorted and I'll be back in like 30 minutes"
"Sounds good"
"Alright see you in a bit"
He walks out of my room and I head into the shower. I can't get the words out of my head. What Seb said to me was so out of order and he has never been that way with me before. I just didn't get it.
I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I changed into a sundress and wedges. I put my hair into a high pony tail and just added some mascara and lip balm. I grab my bag and just on time chris walks in.
"Ready punk"
We walk out the door and as I'm locking up, I see Seb walking towards us. I don't look at him I just walk past him.
"Ellie?" I just keep walking, I don't want or need to talk to him right now. Chris comes to the side of me and puts his arm around my shoulder.
We walk to get breakfast and coffee and I try to forget about Seb.
"So I have the day off what do you want to do?"
"I'm not sure. I need to go talk to Joe and Anthony and tell them I changed my mind about covering for Lauren"
"I can't be round him everyday chris, it's too much"
"Hey, don't let him run you out of town okay. Screw him"
"That's the problem. I did and look where it got me"
He starts laughing "that's not what I meant"
"I don't know what to do"
"It's easy you love working on these sets don't let him ruin it okay"
"Do you have to be on set today?"
"No, it's mostly stunt and CGI stuff today so make up and hair isn't needed to much and if they do need a simple thing tweedle de and tweedle dum are there"
Chris grabs his left boob and howls with laughter.
"Tweedle de and dum. I love it"
We finish our breakfast and chris pays the bill. Which I'm not happy about but he beats me too it. We walk back to the hotel and I see Seb outside with Margaret. He looks upset. I would normally be the one to comfort him but I just can't anymore.
"Margaret shut up!"
I look over and she is walking over to me, she pushes me "your such a bitch"
"What did I do?"
"Don't act all innocent. You knew he was going to break up with me didn't you. Cuz you know he loves you"
"What?" I look over her shoulder and look at Seb.
He doesn't say anything.
"Look I'm sorry for whatever is going on with you two times but it's got nothing to do with me okay"
I go to walk away but she pulls me back, before I know it she is punching me in the face. Chris pushes her away as I fall backwards.
"Ellie are you okay?" Chris helps me up
"What the fuck Margaret? Just get out of here now" Seb comes running over to me and cups my face. "Are you okay?"
I pull away from him "no I'm not okay. Why does she think it's my fault you broke up with her?"
"She is just angry"
"At the wrong person Sebastian. Just stay away from me"
I walk away and leave Seb just standing there. I knew it was a mistake coming back here. I go to my room and look in the mirror. I can already see a bruise forming under my eye. Fuck! What am I supposed say to Robert. I hear a knock on the door, I go and open it and chris is stood there with ice. I let him in and he wraps the ice in a towel and placed it on eye.
"Are you okay?"
I shake my head "I still love him chris"
"I know" he pulls me into a hug and holds me tight while I sob. I haven't cried Over this in so long. I tried to make it seem like everything was fine but obviously it wasn't. I didn't know what to do. She said he loved me. But that can't be true, if you love someone you don't treat them like this. I'm so confused and I have no idea how I'm going to explain all this to my uncle. He is going to be so mad.

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