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I meet everyone down in the lobby and we head off, we are going for food first and then some of us are heading off for a night of drinking and dancing. We have dinner at this really fancy restaurant, we are just about to order when, Seb gets up and walks to the door, when he makes his way back over he has a girl with him. I look up and I recognise her.
"Hey everyone, you remember Margaret right?"
Everyone says hello and how are you.
She looks at me "we haven't met before?"
"No, I'm Ellie. Nice to meet you"
"You too"
She is beautiful and she looks so familiar. I look at Seb and he is staring at me. She sits down and we order food, as we are eating i ask "so where did you two meet?"
Seb just looks at me and then Margaret answers "well we met just over a year ago at some club, had a few to drink and one thing led to another and then we just hit it off really?"
"Oh really. Where was the club?"
Then it hits me, she is the girl I walked in on him with. He was actually dating his so called one night stand. I feel suddenly sick.
"That's great. Sorry excuse me"
I walk off to the bathroom. I can't believe it, he told me he would never date someone he had a one night stand with and yet here he is dating her instead of me. Someone who he had a 2 year long sexual relationship with. I looked in the mirror and told my self to stop being stupid and get back out there.
I left the bathroom and felt someone grab my hand, I turn and it's Seb.
"Ellie I'm sorry"
"Sorry for what?"
"Come on Ellie"
"It's fine Seb okay. Just forget it"
"I didn't want to hurt you"
As I walk away I whisper "yeah well you did" and just keep walking. I don't know if he heard me or not. I sit back at the table and feel chris grab my hand under the table and squeeze. I smile at him and nod. After a few minutes Seb comes and sits back down and straight away Margaret is straight on him. Kind of looks like she is making sure everyone knows he belongs to her.
I look away and eat my food, chris starts up a conversation with me and in no time at all I'm laughing my head off as I always am with him. He is the best best friend in the world.

After food, Downey, Renner and Ruffallo head back to the hotel. They say there too old for dancing now. Uncle Rob, hands me his card and tells me to have a great night. I kiss his cheek and slip the card back in his pocket. He sighs at me. But he knows I'm not like that.
The rest of us Evans, Hemsworth, Scar, Lizzie, Mackie and Seb with Margaret attached to him make our way to the club. We go straight to the VIP section and let the drinking commence.
After a few hours, Hemsworth is wasted and mackie is dancing in circles on the dance floor. Me and chris are tucked away in a corner just talking. We always did this. When chris was drunk he let out his true feelings and he always wanted to talk to me about everything.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Seb and Margaret in a heated discussion. I look away and concentrate on chris. After a few minutes. Seb comes over and downs a shot.
Chris looks over at him "where she gone?"
"Who the fuck knows?"
"Trouble in paradise?" I ask
"Fuck off Ellie" I'm taken back. I was only asking a question. Chris speaks up before I have a chance.
"Don't speak to her like that"
"Why? She fucking hates Margaret, you can tell. What jealous I'm fucking her instead of you Ellie?"
When he finishes that sentence, he instantly looks guilty. He knows he took it too far.
I just shake my head, kiss Chris's cheek "I'm going. I'll speak to you later okay"
"Ellie wait..."
Seb tries to grab my hand but I walk away. I hear chris say to him "you just fucked up majorly" I don't hear sebs response. I feel the tears threatening to flow but I refuse to do that here. I head on out and sit on the sidewalk waiting for a cab. I feel a coat on my shoulders, I look up and it's chris. He sits down next to me and wraps his arm around me. I smile and lean into him. He knows I don't want to talk right now but he also knows I need some comfort.
I can't believe Seb. I don't know why he would just attack like that but I know I need to stay away from him for a while. Being back here was a mistake. And I don't know how I'm going to get away now I've agreed to cover for Lauren. I just know I can't see him everyday. I need to figure this out.

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