Wedding day

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1 year later

After everything that has happened I'm finally in a good place and I'm getting married today.
We decided on a small ceremony in Greece, it's so beautiful here and it just felt right. We flew out all the important people we wanted at the wedding and booked them all into a hotel.
I'm just getting ready, Scarlett and Lizzie are my bridesmaids and Downey is giving me away.
I couldn't be happier right now.
I'm just having the finishing touches done on my make up when Scarlett and Lizzie come in all dressed and ready.
"Oh guys you look beautiful"
I can't help but tear up slightly. "Don't cry, you'll ruin your make up"
I giggle. I finish up in the bathroom, I go to bend down to pick up my towel from the floor when I feel dizzy and queasy. I rush to the toilet and end up hurling everything I've eaten. Scarlett comes rushing to me "are you okay?"
"Yeah, I've been feeling a bit sick over the last few weeks, just put it down to stress"
"Have you missed your period ellie?"
"No.......wait maybe?"
Scarlett looks at me smiling. "I think you should do a test sweetie?"
"Omg what if I am pregnant?"
"That would be a good thing right?"
I smile and nod. Lizzie runs out and grabs me a test, well she grabs like 5 of them just to be sure. I take them all and wait. I'm so nervous.
After 3 minutes I take a look and they all so positive.
"Omg I'm pregnant"
Scarlett and Lizzie squeal, they wrap me in a hug and hold me close. I'm crying I can't help it. I'm pregnant. Me and seb are going to have a baby. I have to tell him before we get married.
"I have to tell Seb before we get married"
"But your not allowed to see each other before the wedding"
"I don't care. I need to tell him now"
They go and get Seb and bring him in blind folded "ellie?" He reaches for my hand and I hold his.
"What's wrong! Your not having second thoughts are you?"
"God no! Seb I love you and I can't wait to marry you"
"Okay so what's going on?"
"I'm pregnant"
"Your what?"
"Im pregnant"
He smiles so wide, he goes to take the blind fold off. "No! You can't take that off"
"But I want to kiss you"
"Your happy?"
"Of course I am. The woman I love is carry my child"
I walk forward and place my lips on his, we kiss so softly and passionately.
"I love you so much ellie"
"I love you too"
Scarlett and Lizzie walk back in "okay come on. Time to get you two married"
They walk Seb back out of the room and help me get my dress on.

I can't believe it, we are going to have a baby and I'm getting married

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I can't believe it, we are going to have a baby and I'm getting married. I'm so happy.
After the ceremony, we all head to the restaurant Seb proposed in, we hired it our for the after party. Seb grabs my hand and walks me away
"Hello my beautiful wife"
I giggle "hello my handsome husband"
"We are having a baby" he is so excited.
"I know"
He places his hand on my stomach. "I love you both so much"
"We love you too"

9 months later

"Okay baby one more big push come on, you can do it"
I was gripping sebs hand so tightly I thought I might break it.
With one last push, our beautiful baby was here
"Congratulations you have a baby boy"
I look down at him and he is so cute, they clean him up and pass him to me. He lays on my chest, Seb strokes his little back "Ellie he is perfect"
"He really is" Seb kisses me "hello little man, I'm your daddy"
"And I'm your mummy" Seb leans his forehead on mine, happy tears rolling down our cheeks.
Our son was 6lb 4oz and we named him Robert Christopher Stan after 3 of the most important men in my life.
Once we had settled into our room, everyone came to say hi and bring cards and gifts. My uncle going overboard of course. He was so touched to learn what we had named our son.
After a few days we were discharged and allowed home. We settled into a pretty great routine and Robert was so well behaved. Married life was perfect and being parents was perfect. I don't think anything could ever top how happy I was feeling in this moment.

5 years later

Married for nearly 6 years with 4 kids and one on the way. Robert was now 5 and he was the spitting image of his dad. We had twin girls 2 years after Robert, Lily Rose Stan and Layla Susan Stan both born 6lb exactly. They were now 3 years old and then We had another boy called Ryan Peter Stan born 7lb a year after the twins. It was a drunken night and we forgot protection. He was now 2 years old and now I'm pregnant again. I know what is happening! What can I say me and seb make the most of our dates nights.
I'm 4 months pregnant and we are going to find out the gender today. I'm hoping for another girl but I'd be happy no matter what.
"You ready Seb?"
"Yep coming. Chris you sure your okay with these 4?"
"Yes I'll be fine go!"
Chris was visiting us in his time off and agreed to have the kids.
I give them all kisses and we head on out.
"Seb this is our last baby"
"I know Ellie, I can't help my self with you"
I giggle. We pull up outside the hospital and make our way to the maternity department.
"Hey Sarah"
"Hey Ellie, come to find out the genders"
"We have indeed"
We get called through and they set me up on the table. The gel isn't as cold as it was the first time we did this.
"Okay let's have a look"
The doctor was squinting at the screen, "is everything okay doc?"
"Yes. Perfectly fine. How many babies did I say?"
"One why?"
"Well it's looks like your having twins mrs Stan!"
"Omg! Again?"
"Yes. The other baby must have been lined up perfectly on your first scan"
"Okay. Seb?"
He looked down at me smiling "I'm so happy baby"
"Me too"
"Congratulations. Would you like to know the sex?"
"Yes please"
"Okay well baby A is a girl and baby B is a boy"
"One of each?"
Seb kisses me passionately. "I love you so much"
"I love you too"
I couldn't believe we were having twins again. 6 kids. It's just crazy. But I love our family and I love my life. I'm so glad me and seb found each other again. I wouldn't dream of my life being any other way.

The end.

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