4 months pregnant

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Today I am 4 months pregnant, I can't believe how quickly time is already going.
Seb has just left for the last few days of his filming. So I'm going to get ready and head on out, I need to start looking at baby stuff and I thought today would be a good day to do.
I'm using a car service so I don't have to worry so much about parking.
I've just got in the car and my hand is resting on the very small bump I currently have. Seb noticed it first and he couldnt stop touching it.
I've never been so happy.
We are just coming to a red light, we stop and wait, there is a lot of people of the road today. The light turns green and then my world turns black.


I've just finished filming so I decide to call Ellie to find out where she is, I know she was going shopping today. I call a few times but no answer, she must be busy.
I'm just in my trailer packing up when Downey rushes in, he is crying
"What's wrong?"
"Ellie she...."
"She has been in a crash we need to get to the hospital now"
I forget everything I'm doing and we run to the car to get the hospital. I can't think straight, what if she......No I can't think like that. There both going to be okay.
We get to the hospital and rush to see the doctor.
"I'm doctor jones, your Miss Williams family?"
"Yes. Where is she?"
"She is currently in surgery, she was badly injured. She has a broken leg and arm, internal bleeding and she also has bleeding on the brain. We are doing what we can ok"
"What about the baby?"
The doctor looks down "I'm so sorry, the baby didn't make it"
My world stops, I can feel myself getting dizzy, Downey grabs me and pulls me to him. My baby was gone. And I don't even know if Ellie is going to make it. My world is crumbling and I don't know what to do.
We sit down and Downey gets me something to drink, chris comes running in
"Where is she? What happened?"
Downey pulls him to the side and tells him everything. He looks over to me and I can tell he is crying. He hugs Downey and comes and sits next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulder
"I'm so sorry Seb"
I don't answer I can't, I'm numb. I just stare at the floor. I don't know what to do.

After a few hours the doctor comes over to us "she is out of surgery and she is stable. She is in an induced coma right now, we have to give her body and brain time to heal. You can go and see her but 1 at a time okay"
I just nod "go and give her a kiss for me"
I look at Downey and nod. The doctor walks me to her room and she is lay there, looking so small in the hospital bed. She is so bruised and battered. Her arm and leg in casts and she looks so small.
I walk over and place my hand gently on where her tiny little bump was and I can't help but break down. I cry, I fall to my knees and hold her hand tightly.
"Ellie please, you have to be ok. I can't live without you"
I don't know how long I'm in there for but I hear a knock and I see Downey.
"I asked the doctor if I could come check on you" his hand goes to his mouth "oh god Ellie"
He has tears streaming down his face "chris has gone back to tell everyone"
He holds her other hand "I'm going to go and get some fresh air. You have some time with her"
He nods at me. I don't want to leave her but I know Downey needs his time too.
I walk out of the hospital and find a bench to sit on. I look at my phone and see the ultrasound I had saved on my phone. I feel the tears falling. How could this happen? We were so happy this morning, we were together and having a baby and now.....she is going to be so broken when she wakes up. I have to be strong for her. I need to be there always. I love her so much. She needs to come back to me. She just has too.

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