Moving on

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6 months later

It's been 9 months since we lost our baby and things have finally started to feel normal again. Me and Seb are good, we have really concentrated on talking things out and I have been seeing a therapist so that's definitely helped.
Seb is going back out to work, he is filming a new movie and he will be going to grease. He is going to be so far away and I don't know if I'm ready for that.
He is just packing his last few bits, we decided on a night in, in front of TV, takeaway food and cuddles.
I'm lay in between sebs legs, leaning my back against his chest. He stroking my arms.
"I'm going to miss you so much" I say barley above a whisper.
He kisses my head "I'm going to miss you too baby"
He hugs me tighter, I feel the tears coming, so I make an excuse and head in the kitchen. I stand holding the counter while I try my hardest to cry silently. After a few minutes I hear Seb get up and make his way to the kitchen, I wipe my eyes the best I can "hey, you okay?"
"Mmmm" I just nod and he wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my neck. And then turns me to face him. "Baby.....why are you crying?"
"I'm sorry. I'm trying to keep it together but we haven't been apart since that day and I'm having a hard time with it"
He holds me close "you don't have to hide anything from me okay. I love you and trust me I'm feeling exactly the same way"
He lifts my face so I'm looking up at him and he kisses me softly.
"Do you want me to tell them I can't do it?"
"No Seb. Please don't. You fell In love with this script and I'm not going to take this away from you"
"Okay" he just holds me "I'll be okay. I promise"
"Come on, let's go cuddle and watch another movie okay"
He pulls me into the living room and we take up the same space we did earlier. And we just enjoy being with each other.

It's the next morning and seb is ready to leave, but I'm not ready for him to go.
We are stood at the door, he is holding me and I'm trying to keep it together.
"Baby I'll be home as soon as I can okay"
"I know. I just hate that I won't be with you"
"Then come with me"
"I can't seb we talked about this, I have my salon and I have clients"
"But you could get someone to cover you for a while. We deserve some time"
"Seb I can't"
"Okay. I know. I have to go. I love you"
"I love you too"
He gets into his car and drives away, I go back into the house and slide down to the floor. What's was I going to do without him?

1 month later

It's been a month since seb left and he rings me whenever he can. But it's not the same. So I decided I would get someone to cover me and I'm going to Greece.
I'm all packed and my flight is booked, I'm just waiting on my car to arrive and then I'm off.
I just need to see him.
When I get off the plane in Greece, it feels nice to be breathing different air. I rang the director and he set up someone to come and collect me from the airport and drive me to the set.
I walk out and I see an older gentleman, with a card in his hand with my name on.
"Hello miss, I'm frank. I'll be driving you to the set today"
"Thank you frank"
He puts my stuff in the boot and I get in the car. I'm so excited to see seb.
We pull up to the set and I walk into it, I didn't realise they were filming so I be as quiet as I can. As I look over I see a sex scene being filmed. Seb being all hot and sweaty with another women. I know it's not real but it just reminds me of what I walked in on all those years ago. I get up and rush off. I can't watch that.

The director shouts cut, I hate doing sex scenes there so uncomfortable. I only ever want to be that intimate with Ellie.
I go to grab a drink and I see my assistant looking around "you okay nick?"
"Yeah, your girlfriend was here but she disappeared"
"My girlfriend. That can't be right she is in New York"
"No we wanted to surprise you"
"What? Did she just see?"
"I think so. I'm sorry I didn't think"
"Great!" I rush off to find her. We are filming close to a beautiful lake so I have a feeling she would be there. She loves water.
I walk down and I see her, her knees to her chest and her head on her knees. She looks beautiful but sad.
I walk over and sit down next to her "hey beautiful"
She turns to look at me and gives me a sad smile "surprise"
I laugh "it's a wonderful surprise. What are you doing here?"
"I missed you so I arrange for me to be here with you until you finish filming"
She nods and looks back out at the water "hey" I make her look back at me "I'm sorry you had to see that. That couldn't have been easy"
She shakes her head "No it wasn't but I know it's your job seb"
"I know but still, I'd hate it If it was the other way round"
"You would?"
"Of course. I want to be the only man that touches you like that. And I would much prefer you be the only women who touches me like that. It doesn't mean anything ellie. I promise"
"I know seb, I trust you"
That makes me smile, we have come so far since we saw each other again.
I wrap my arm around her and pull her in close, I kiss her passionately. "I'm so glad your here and I love you"
"I love you too"
We stay there, embraced in each other's arms and staring out at the water. We are at peace.

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