Chapter 7

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The rain stopped.

The Jester quickly turned towards the man. "How? How could you know what happened to them?", he asks.

"Because I killed them myself."

I freeze.

The Jester glares at the mysterious man. "Liar.", he says.

"Am I?" The man slowly pulls out something from his pocket.

"Is this not your mother's necklace...?" The man holds a necklace that has a shimmering blue star.

I glance at Jester. That...was that his mother's necklace?? Jester looks like he has seen a ghost, having a hard time breathing.

"Stop." I say. "What do you want?? To hurt him?"

"I thought I told you to mind your business.", he says, glaring.

"This is my business! Because he's been kind to me...and I-"

The man rolls his eyes. "Please. You can't do anything."

"Just- What do you even want?", I demand.

The man pauses for a moment, then grins.

"You." He whispers next to Jester. And then he stabbed him.


Things had never gone my way throughout my whole life. And now, someone who had helped me was hurt.

"Jester!!", I yell, on the verge of tears.

The man laughs. Jester was on his knees, his hand pressing down on the wound. I start running towards him but the man stops me with his hand.

"If he's so precious to you, then you did a bad job protecting him." He shrugs. "Too bad. It's time for you to go back to your own world, where you belong.", he says, smiling.

"No, stop!", I yell. The wind starts blowing hard, like a tornado. I start levitating, with the man using his power on me.

"Jester!", I yell over the loud wind. I reach my hand towards Jester, trying to reach him. With his other hand, he tries to reach me, but it was no use.

Jester says something but I can't hear. I feel myself being pulled away from him and everything going black.

"You can go home now."

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