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The aroma of wine on his body had faded due to the absurd night last night. He reached out and touched the glands in the back of his neck slowly, and retracted his fingertips as if he had been scalded.

The glands in the back of his neck were still aching, and the man dragged the back of his neck last night, and the pain and fear he mentioned were still deeply imprinted in his mind.

Out of control heat, unbearable heat... an unfamiliar Beta.

In addition to being absurd, I feel fortunate that I am fortunate to meet that person who is a Beta.

He recalled how hard the person pressed on his glands several times, which almost made him faint. If that person was an Alpha last night, it would be even more troublesome...

Obviously, it shouldn't be.

Shen Ting didn't close his eyes, his lips pursed tighter and tighter.

......At the end what happened?

Shen Tingwei's differentiation came later than the average person, and it was not until he graduated from college that the secondary sexual characteristics were gradually revealed. It is said that he inherited it from his mother.

His mother was a gentle and virtuous Omega woman, and his father was his mother's tutor during the consecutive master's and doctoral studies. The two met and naturally came together because of academics.

When it was confirmed that he differentiated into an Omega, his mother stroked his temples and smiled: "I always thought I was a Beta until I was twenty-four years old. If I had known earlier that I would differentiate into an Omega, I might not have continued to study. You will never meet your father."

He remembered him asking, why.

The father explained with a smile because from the day of differentiation, Omega needed to find an Alpha of his own.

"Isn't love waiting to come?" Shen Tingwei asked.

The father slowly shook his head: "Only a match with a high value can support love, child."

When the father said this, the mother next to him didn't look very good-looking. Shen Tingwei seemed to see something vaguely from it, lowered his eyes, and quickly changed the subject casually: "Does Omega definitely need Alpha? There are many Betas up to now. Still insisting on not marrying..."

"Because they're beta."

Shen Ting didn't know anything about it, but his father just smiled and said that he will know later.

After this, Shen Ting did not wait too long.

The fragrant rose fragrance is in line with Alpha's aura.

"Your mother must have secretly drunk alcohol when she was pregnant with you." Alpha, who was introduced by his father's friend, made fun of his pheromone.

Alpha is very talkative and has a good appearance. From the external point of view, if it is as his father said, he is a suitable marriage partner.

When parting, Alpha hugged him politely at the door of the restaurant, lowered his voice, and said in his ear: "Your taste is really special."

Shen Tingwei frowned slightly, took a step back unaccustomed, and said bluntly "Thank you".

Alpha habitually left his number on his mobile phone and said with a smile, "You can call me anytime, Weiwei."

The pheromone released by the other party was too strong, which made Shen Tingwei feel uncomfortable for a time.

He returned to the car and casually told this to his friend who called to ask about the result of the blind date.

Shen Tingwei has been doing 'Beta' for 23 years and is not very sensitive to pheromone perception, and it is even more difficult to judge whether the other party's behavior is in the cross-border category.

The friend is outraged and tries to wake him up, saying, if you don't feel well, then his behavior is sexual harassment.

The increasingly sweet aroma of cranberry wine filled the car, Shen Ting did not rub the somewhat drowsy sun, started the car, and dumped out of the parking space on the road, interrupting the opposite: "Really? But others seem to be still good."

The other end of the phone choked obviously, and quickly shouted angrily, "I see that you are not only retarded in differentiation, but also in brain development!"

Shen Ting didn't make his head even dizzier because of his arguing. He was about to say that I was driving, and I'd go back later and call again. Before he could speak, there was a loud noise that pierced the eardrums.

His back fell back to the back of the driver's seat with the violent impact from the rear of the car. The airbag popped out and smashed back his body, which was leaning forward due to inertia. The anxious voice in the room suddenly seemed to be far away, and I couldn't hear it clearly.

The car door was pulled open, and the rich aroma of wine in the narrow space was diluted by the rushing air. Shen Ting didn't pant hard, but his chest became more and more stuffy as if something was stuck in his chest, pressing him to breathe. increasingly difficult.

Someone grabbed his arm and dragged him out. There were many swaying figures in the blurred vision. A thin middle-aged man fell to his knees on the ground, his voice was trembling, and he repeated in a daze, I'm sorry, and there was a lot of noise in his ears. , many people, a sharp siren sounded in the distance...

His eyelids drooped up heavily, the sounds around him were pulled away little by little, and his ears finally fell silent.

The wet and cold rain hit his face, awakening his sleeping consciousness.

When he opened his eyes again, Shen Ting did not realize that he was lying neatly in an alley.

Shen Tingwei was confused at that moment.

He couldn't tell the place in front of him, let alone why he fell here, but the increasingly weird feeling on his body made him have no time to think about it.

The rain curtain was heavy and faint, and under the low temperature, his body was getting hotter and hotter, and then the familiar and unusually strong aroma of wine emanated from the glands.

The first estrus period after differentiation was fierce, his head was dizzy, and there was a fire burning in his throat, which made his mouth dry, but he wanted to shiver inexplicably.

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