16 - Runaway

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Bobby had been screaming his brother's name for hours now. He had just disappeared in the middle of the dance. When Bobby went outside to try to find him, he saw his friend Jake dead and a trail of bloody footsteps leading to nowhere. Bobby couldn't cry. His eyes felt like they had gotten all the moisture just sucked out of them and no amount of blinking could make them less dry.

"I'm so sorry man," Bobby said, voice cracking. Knowing Luci, he probably ran off and was in hiding. "DAMN IT!" Bobby hollered, kicking the brick wall next to him. "LUCI YOU NEVER TELL ME ANYTHING! TALK TO ME! IF YOU WOULD'VE TALKED TO ME THIS WOULDN'T'VE HAPPENED!" He stomped along down the alley, looking everywhere for his brother.

He didn't know Luci had already gone far away from this alley, not too far from their house. He was curled up by the heater behind the house, crying his eyes out. He had just killed someone. He had just killed someone. Luci's voice shook as he sighed. "I can never face Bobby again," he whispered to himself, "I can never show up at home and be accepted back into my family." With that, he stood and ran as far as he could before laying down on a park bench in a strange place and falling fast asleep.

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