33. Disbandment

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Taehyung blurted out.

"Yes, Taehyung. Isn't it what you guys want in the first place?"

"No, Bang PD."

"Really? I thought you guys don't want to work with each other anymore."

"We only have a bit of misunderstanding, Bang PD. We will make sure to address it right away."

Jin intervened.

"Really, Jin? I don't think you can work things out. I thought you are a capable member of the group being the oldest and all but you disappoint me. You can't even control one rebelling member, what more five immature guys?"

"I'm sorry, Bang PD."

"If you were sorry, you should've done a better job, right, Jin?"

"Yes, I'll make sure to be a better member of the group from now on."

"I heard you, Jin. Now, Namjoon."

"Yes, Bang PD."

"Are you quitting?"

"No, sir."

"Ah, so you wish to stay in the group?"

"Yes, sir. Please reconsider our disbandment."

"I have high hopes in you, Namjoon but you just proved to me that you are an incapable leader."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. It won't happen again."

"Ah, another apology, it will never happen again, you say?"

"I'll be more mature from now on, Bang PD."

"Sure, but listen up, Namjoon. If I were to not disband you, I need to do some precautionaries. You prove me wrong this time and to make sure BTS will be back on track, I will change the leader."


They all blurted out.

"Yoongi, you will take over the position from now on."

"No way! I'd rather leave the group than take this guy's position."

"I can kick out any member in Bangtan except you. If you wish to leave then I'll disband the group."

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