Pushing Through The Threshold

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(Not much to add in this, just a further continuation of last chapter. There's more fights in this one and the reveal of most of the commandments)

Diane thumped through the forest, she was in a much smaller form than before her Sacred Treasure: Gideon clasped behind her back.

'Ohhhh....why did everyone have to run off!'

After they'd got the word from Merlin that demons had breached Izuku's world, they'd set out immediately.

Although each and every one of them had separated leaving the giantess by herself.

"Even King went off, saying something about another fairy king," Diane groaned sprinting around the trees.

She soon came to a clearing between the trees, just from looking at it she could tell that it had manmade, the earth had been ripped open to make it.

Ignoring her own anger, she walked through it her footsteps slowly indenting into the ground, "Who did this!" She roared lowly.

"Phew, he should be tied up now....we should get going Tetsutetsu who knows how more villains there are.." Kendo persisted holding Mustard up against a tree.

Not losing his sharp, toothy grin Tetsutetsu clanked his metal fists together, "Right! We have to get back to camp and make sure all of our classmates are ok!!" 

Sighing to herself, Diane almost went to scutter back into the treelines. She'd been instructed by Merlin to only show herself if absolutely necessary.

'Those are just some of Izuku's classmates, I don't need to get involved it looks like they've already dealt with everythin-'

Diane's eyes widened with fear, she saw the figure beneath the trees rip along the ground, there sword was held back seconds away from cutting through the two students within a few seconds.

She unsheathed her Sacred Treasure at the exact same time she burst forward.

Both Kendo and Tetsutetsu only caught sight of what was happening a fraction of a second before they were split apart.

The giant golden hammer clanked with the metal, the force strong enough to bash the figure back through the trees.

'That's one of the ten commandments.....Fraudrin'

"Get out of Dreyfus' body you coward!!" Diane snapped spinning Gideon around, she didn't know when she'd return to her normal size.

"Hah!! I didn't expect such strength to come from a giant, you did hurt this body though I can't have that, I been inside it for to long!!"

Rushing back into the open space, Fraudrin swung Dreyfus' sword down connecting with the golden Warhammer. She flipped it over, the metal tip uppercutting the demon the force knocking him upwards.

Not wasting a single second, Diana clicked her hand together. With Gideon in hand, she morphed the earth, pushing Kendo and Tetsutetsu away.

"W-Wait....what are you doing!?" She exclaimed trying to use her quirk to grapple onto the ground.

"Yeah let us help, we can easily take him down together!" Tetsutetsu added.

Fraudrin lunged the crimson blade back to Diane, much like you would during a javelin throw, "Oh I'm not sure about that....I'm a demon after all," Touching his forehead, the two students shivered at the sight of a black mark.

"T-That's just like Midoriya's....what the hells going on!!" Tetsutetsu shook in his spot, the overwhelming intensity coming from the mark alone was enough to stop him in place.

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