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"Wha-..where am I?! No, No. Who are You?!" You inquired in a frantic manner. You could hear your heart beating in your own chest. What the hell was happening. Now with no dialogue options, you had to think about everything you said.

"My name's Wilbur, it's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)!" Wilbur said.

It's strange.

You remembered everyone except him.

"New person, Hello!" The once ignorant blonde boy called, though this time it seemed as if it was lacking th usual enthusiasm. His eyes trailed up to you and immediately stopped.


It worked.


"NEW PERSON, HELLOOOOOO!" The boy called out once again, much more joy filling his voice this time. A short laughter erupted from your lips, a complete opposite of your first reaction with him. He really was an annoying younger brother.

Another person you recognized, or piglin, had arrived. His look was completely dishelved, his hair messy, eye bags growing beneath his eyes, even his clothes were wrinkled. Though Techno blade hadn't looked up yet, and from what you could tell, he didn't plan on it.

"To answer your second question, you're at the gaming club." You kept staring at Techno as Tommy leaned over and elbowed his arm. You were about to walk over there, to go talk to him when you were interrupted by Wilbur.

"Ah right! (Y/N), this is Tommy and Techno. Techno and Tommy, this is (Y/N)!" He spoke with clenched teeth. Your looked flashed back to the Blonde and Pinkette as you patiently waited for Technoblade to raise his head.

"THE BLADEEE MY MAN!!" He once again elbowed Techno, with more force this time.

Now usually in the game, this is the part where it makes you choose if you want to stay in the club or if you wanted to leave. In the game, leaving just makes the game reset, which is pointless.

"Can I join?" You questioned, Wilbur's face visibly lighting up from your question.

"Of course you can! In fact, you could sit next to me!"

"Why can't I choose where I sit?" You (somewhat) snapped back. His eyes showed a flash of suprize before going back to it's original resting position.

"Because the only free desk is next to mine. Is there an issue with that?" He inquired, a sharp tone underlining his every word. Hesitantly, you shook your head, indicating that you would sit next to him.


It finally worked.

The day continued on as if normal. Whatever normal is considered in a video game. A strong sense of deja Vue washed over your every move, with the occasional break. Tommy and Techno blade we're acting different. The blonde being more excited, and Techno hadn't even looked at you yet. All he did was stare at the ground, thinking of better times presumably.


They're back they're finally back! Oh I missed them so much. I don't understand why they left, couldn't they see? Couldn't they see I did it for our love? So we could be together, and stay together.


Is that them? Did it work? It had to have had. Oh (____) is gonna be so happy when they hear this! I know he loved (Y/N), I know he missed them when they left. That's exactly why I'll tell (____) they're back!

ƨɘγɘ ɿiɘʜT nɘqo γɘʜt ƨɒ nooƨ ƨA. "

(Thank you to whoever pointed out my grammar mistake 😰)


I miss them. When we spoke, when we laughed, it almost felt real. I almost felt real. But (____) had to ruin it. They got too close. They destroyed everything. It was unfair. Everything was at the touch of his fingertips but he tears the one thing I have interest in.


The scene of the manhunt played once more, though this time you were able to see everything better. The game was just as expected. Though a little creeper without the cheery music in th background. Wilbur's sword name? You're mine forever. Philza wasn't there to play with you guys, and it wa obvious Wilbur held back when PVPing you. It was awkward. A guy you just met taking pity on you?

So you had to ask it.

The bone chilling question.

"Where is Philza?"


For a moment, faint sounds of beeping rung out in your ear. It echoed through you head, but quickly stopped after you covered your ears.


"Philza? I don't know anyone named Philza."

The words surprised you, but you didn't feel as if you should press further.

Or should you?


End of Act 1.

Welcome back to the void.
I hope you guys enjoyed Act 1!
Update schedule will be wack, some days you'll get nothing, others you can get up to 3!
I'm sorry if the chapters aren't going exactly how you want them.
Stay hydrated!
And just remember:
I'm proud of you.

It's just a game. (Yan! Wilbur / Simpbur x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now