Episode 2

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The Annoying boss

Episode 2

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When he was done with his boring talk, Miss Esther was finally allowed to speak “Permit me to ask , Sir but Who would design Miss Mira’s room…The last time she came back  she complained that she didn’t like the Room.”
Mr. Carson thought for awhile and spoke
   “as a teenager she would like to be in a  room that’s more acceptable to she and her friends, does any of you have any ideas on how to design a teenage girl’s room”
I was a bit distracted and confused at How a person could be too picky when staying in her room, that I didn’t realized that everyone’s eyes were on me.
“Mrs. Walters…could you perhaps have any idea on how to design a teenage girl’s room?”
I stared at Him in surprise and turned to stare at the others who were looking at me expectantly.
I guess I was under so much pressure because I had said “Yes”

  The room was plain white, waiting for some interior designer which of course  I was not, it really made me feel scared, How old was this Mira girl I thought, I needed just the right details before I could start. So I took a writing pad and pen and moved straight to Mr. Carson’s Home office which was shown to me by Miss Esther and I knocked, My heart pounding out of Timidity.
I heard him tell me to come in so I did. His Office was a really huge one, it was exactly the size of my living room and bedroom put together, but it had a full brown wooden colored paint on his walls and he had a lot of books on his shelf’s too. I stared at him as he sat behind his desk staring seriously at his Laptop.
“What do you want. Miss Walters?”
He asked not looking up at me.
I Swallowed “Sir…you see in other to give your sister the room that she deserves I was thinking that maybe getting to know her likes and dislikes would contribute a lot.”
He finally Stopped what he was doing and stared at me “Okay…what would you like to know?”
“What could her favorite color be?, Her favorite musicians for stickers, and what color of designs for the bedsheets” I looked at him as he lowered his eyes slowly, That’s was when I realized that he didn’t really know his sister’s likes and because of me he might be feeling ashamed of that fact, So
Trying to sound heroic, I suggested immediately “Sir why don’t you call her…and ask?” He immediately looked at me in a disgusted manner “Did you….just suggest something to me without my permission?”
I became alarmed, Am eighteen years old and this was the first time in eighteen years, I was hearing that in other to suggest something we actually had to ask for a permit. Wow, this is the definition of absurd, this guy could be in his late twenties, so why does he think so highly of himself, did he expect me to be another miss Esther, sir…if I may. Indeed!, I swallowed.
“im sorry sir…..Um sir if I may.. could I SUGGEST that you call your sister and ask Her about the things I mentioned earlier”
I couldn’t believe that I had just said that, I was about to Blink before I saw him stand, I kept wondering why he stood up. He took off his jacket and hanged it on his chair then he charged towards me. I didn’t dare to Move at all, for some reason I stood where I was, my eyes totally transfixed to his. When he came close enough for me to perceive his cologne, he put both his hands in his pockets and looked at me from head to toe “Why do I feel like….there was a little bit of attitude in the things you said”
I realized that I was sweaty ”oh…no sir” I giggled nervously, which seemed stupid to me “I was just telling you plainly…No hard feelings” I realized later that I wasn’t supposed to say that “Excuse me?” he shouted
I got really scared as his eyes pierced through mine “I’m…so sorry sir, I…” He Looked annoyed “Who gave you the right to have hard feelings?”
I was shaken at the question “I’m So sorry sir, I didn’t mean to say that” “well” he replied “there are certain Terminologies you should use in this House, Now I think you should be acquainted with them…If you would survive here for two weeks, you have to remember that Respecting me, is the way to my heart”
I thought within me, Fear, why does he mistake it with Respect…give me a break, Does he think that he is a god or something, what kind of person belittles others and still demands respect from them, gosh what have I gotten my self into, if I lived with this kind of person for a day I guess I would run mad.
After a long stare
He finally let me go, and ordered me to start cleaning the room first, Before I could do anything else, I washed and scrubbed and made sure the Bathroom was Clean for any use. Obviously exhausted I went to the Kitchen To get some food. “You have to excuse Mr. Carson..” Miss Esther said to me.
I almost choked on the bread I was eating. “But you are old enough to be his Mother…what gave him the right to….?” She stopped me immediately. “Do not say that … Melanie…His My boss and He is the reason my family and I still survive…so dear do not read to much meaning from whatever he does”
I wasn’t convinced, I still stood on the grounds that he ought to treat her with respect. But one look in Miss Esther’s eyes one would know that she was indebted to Mr. Carson and Maybe she would forever be.
   When I got home, I lay down on my bed thinking of various designs I could use in Mira’s room.  Slowly sleep crept in and I saw Mr. Carson flash before me. Then everything went blank.

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