Episode 34

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Episode 34

**Brogan Lord's Pov**
I was in one of my private houses, sitting in my living room listening to Justin Timberlake's song Cry me a River, when she came in.

"See who's been avoiding me" I spatted disgusted by her sight, she looked pitiful, it had been three months since we last saw each other, but this time Tracy was different. She didn't wear her usual makeup or expensive exposing dress, she looked pretty normal. Like someone repenting or something. Just for the record she didn't look attractive at all.
    "You look like you are mourning someone"
She knelt down immediately and began to beg me. I was surprised.
"Brogan please I beg of you, I know you took her, I know she's with you... please bring her back to me I will do anything.. please"
    I shifted "what the hell are you bickering for?"
"My little sister Brogan, I know you kidnapped her, she has been missing for two months now, just please give her back to me, I Know about your little buisness, I will do anything just please bring her back to me" 
  Now this was bad, Did she just say two months ago, the batch of girls by that time were already sold. The f**k Tracy how was i supposed to know you had a little sister. What was I going to do now?
       "What are you talking about?"
I had no choice but to deny.
   "Brogan! What have you done to my sister?"
  Gosh she was so disrespectful, calling and shouting at me anyhow.
"Why do you keep accusing me?, What's your problem...I have no idea where your sister is, Cry me a River if you want to, but I still don't know!"
    She became frantic. That was the first time I saw her that way. Standing up and searching her purse she spoke "This  is her picture," she rushed showing me her picture" don't lie to me Brogan..I know you kidnapped girls I have known for awhile now, tell me where she is or I will tell Everyone about your scandals and illegal Businesses"
    I scoffed, One of the things I hated most in my life was being Threatened, I hated it to the core, it brought out monsters in me, yes monsters.
12 years ago
"What the hell are you two doing!?"
My sister screamed as she saw Dylan and i, in the bushes.
I don't remember ever been scared like I was back then ...it instantly triggered me.
I was scared of being caught, of she telling my mum and many other things.
"I'm So gonna tell mum!" She screamed and tried to run.
Dylan was my classmate and friend, but he was a mute so he never really spoke or uttered words.
I picked up a rock and threw it at my sister Stella. I didn't realize the impact of the rock hitting her head until she fell and I approached her only to see her bleeding profusely. I did it out of fear and anger. It was really hard to process what was happening cause Dylan had ran away on seeing the event unfold.
      I wasted time calling my mum and by the time my sister was rushed to the hospital, she had bled to death. It really killed me inside because Dylan kept looking at me suspiciously and the looks he gave me were quite threatening to. But I didn't think killing him would help so after a year or so. I Stole all the money saved for the year and left the house to fend for myself And run away from my past*
Every since then, My monsters were known to come out when I felt threatened or was threatened, I had one fear and that was getting low. The only place I go never visit was my past but I knew I could never run from it forever. Here she was Tracy Morgan, my very own bitch and girlfriend threatening to pull me down. I stood up and walked towards her.
    "You wouldn't do that to your Daddy, would you?"
I could feel the fear in her body language. Oh Tracy you just made a mistake, a huge one.
I moved behind her, sniffing her hair n hugging her from behind.
"Why don't we forget about all this, and have some good old fun, just like we used to ? Huh?"
   I could hear her whisper it clearly. "I regret ever knowing that a monster like you existed" now that got on my nerves. That was all it took to bring the Monster out fully. Getting a pen knife I had sneaked into my pockets earlier, I slit her throat...it happened quickly before I could even blink.
The blood splash was well... disgusting, but watching her fall to the ground gasping for air looked weird. I felt sorry for her, well not really.
   "You used to be my baby, you know my very own bitchy princess" I laughed maniacally dropping my knife inside my alcohol drink and sitting back on my sofa.
"But you know the thing about bitches, is they can be replaced easily"
    She stared at me wide eyed tears gushing from her eyes, the blood had filled the entire room, well not really but it became much. I laughed. "Don't worry sweetheart, I will see you in hell when it's my time to, for now go make a way for me" as she stopped struggling I realized that she was dead. So I put on my music. Well I loved a good music and yes it was the right one for me to listen to. Calling Drex to come pick her up, I watched as her body was taken from the floor and the blood was cleaned thoroughly . My cigarettes in hand, puffing smoke and smiling to myself. 
     "Don't do anything to her body yet, it would be of good use"
"Yes boss" Drex replied and left the room. Leaving me to my thoughts, Well Tracy once sucked my dick and for someone so good at giving me awesome blowjob's she should atleast be deserving of a proper burial.

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