episode 21

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Episode 21

*Denise Carson Pov*
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We drove into a long  lonely road, the cops tailing us behind,but my thoughts were on Mira...when we got into a bushy area , I immediately spotted a girl blindfolded, in the same dress Mira wore on the ground....I abruptly stopped the car and rushed to where she lay. Taking off her blindfold I saw it was Mira....I was soo happy that she was alive and I hugged her tightly...she was out of breath...soo she didn't talk much.
"Let's go home... quickly...." I said to her. But
She held my Shirt tightly "Dee... Melanie!! She's still inside there...those men are going to do something terrible to her..."
I was Shocked....how could I forget...She was still in there...those Bastards....I left Mira with the cops, entering my car i raced to where the ware house was. On  Reaching there with two other police men and Fabian...their sirens were not enough. I had to go in some how.
"But sir we have to stand back...this could be a trap".
"What trap?" I yelled "my employee is in there and her life is also at stake...am going in!" Dashing through a broken window I climbed the staircase, Fabian followed me behind...when we got to a small hall like room we could see from the Window at the back that...a car was getting away...Fabian immediately tipped the police...and they moved to chase the car... suddenly I heard Melanie Scream... running towards the voice I saw a guy in mask... rushing out of the room... Looking at the room he got out from I saw Melanie...she was breathing heavily and crying...I felt an instant rage...anger Surprisingly It felt like I could feel her pain...I rushed to her... leaving Fabian to chase the Masked man. I sat on the floor close to her, hugging her tightly.... trying to calm her shivering body, I couldn't say anything... loosening her tied up hands and legs I carried her in my arms. As she fainted.
When the kidnappers finally let me go after collecting the ransom. I hugged my father tightly... happy to be reunited. When we got home...I asked about Mr victor, I kept asking but no one could give me a straight answer....at home Miss Esther looked sober and sad, I stared at my mum and asked...she just shook her head....but just at the corner I stared and saw Samuel silently crying and staring at me, that was when I knew that I would Never See Mr Victor, it haunted me...fear did... That fear only came whenever someone close to me was taken...taken against my wishes, by death or even a mare human.
I stared at Melanie's body in my arms... looking at her dried tears...back there in the room...she was soo scared, I had never seen her like that...even though I had only known her for a week or so.
Putting her in an ambulance which took her to the hospital, I saw Fabian... looking disappointed. "I couldn't catch him...he was too fast...do you think they are Brogan's men?"
I grimaced "They are Brogan's men....it's not something you think about it's something you should know"
One of the cops moved towards me.
"Mr Denise Carson.... Good evening I'm Detective David cheever" extending our hands for a brief handshake, he continued "I know your not really in the right mind to answer questions...but I Just wanted to ask if you suspect anyone of this supposed kidnap"
   I was about to talk...but then Fabian gave me a disapproving look... giving a deep sigh I replied "No...I do not have a suspect...but if I do find out I will inform you immediately"
The detective agreed, handing me his business card.
I called to check up on Mira and  Esther assured me that she was home...now I was relieved. getting into the car with Fabian who drove this time, while I sat in the passenger sit beside him.

    My thoughts however was on Melanie, was she okay? Was she traumatized?...I knew how I felt when Mira was once traumatized because of our parents death...I hope it didn't happen to her. Picking up my phone I dialed a number..."Can your nurses bring her to my house instead...I don't think she would be safe in the hospital"
At the other end a woman replied "okay sir ..we are heading there right now" I made another call..."Esther... arrange one of the rooms for Melanie...she would be coming soon".
       "Glad to see you care about your workers..."
Fabian said.
I glared at him..."and who said I don't care for them?"
I could see his smirk even from the side "You do care...but not enough to give them a room in your mansion ...they have a maid quarters right? What makes this one special?"
"Fabian she's hurt...and was kid...."I tried to say but he cut me short.
"Even Esther had an accident, even, Samuel tried to kill himself once , oh yes and Deborah your other maid...fell from the staircase injuring her foot badly..I mean most of all your workers went through stuffs...alot of accidents occurred...and I have them here" he made a gesture by touching his head. "But you always kept them in the hospital or in the maid quarters. What you call compensation allowance...not care."
I scoffed "what the hell are you trying to say? Huh?...don't play the analyst here...am not interested"
Fabian laughed "you don't get it...this is the first time in a long time...you are using kindness to care...rather than money...you always think Money is everything...with the right amount the doctors will do their job, with the right amount... people will shut up, with the right amount I can buy a person...that's just how you think....But you know that deep down...your mentality is wrong"
I gritted my teeth " it's not!, It works, always works and am not going to talk about this anymore.. now please take me to my house"

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