Episode 51

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Episode 51
*Lord Brogan pov*
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**Three years later**

*Grundy Maximums international Airport*

We had just gotten back

"You have made your one year journey a three years one"
Lucca intoned over the phone.
I laughed. "You can't blame me
..my partner held me down long enough...besides I still got the work done even while I was far away"
  "What about the meeting?" Lucca inquired.
"It's still going to hold"
I replied.

"Okay Brogan till then"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Three years ago*
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Doctor how is she?"I asked my private doctor who had come to check on the victim of my reckless driving.
"She is perfectly fine...she had no dislocation or anything...and her baby is okay"
I was surprised.
"She's pregnant?"
"Yes...you didn't know?" He brought out a paper. "This are my prescriptions for the drugs she should have...make sure you get them.. Goodnight"
   I was now confused, I had a pregnant lady in my home. Going into the room I saw that she was awake.
She was pretty...very beautiful I mean...it felt like I was speaking to an angel who had woken up from her sleep.
She seemed calm and composed "Hi... could you tell me where I am?"
I answered."you got into an accident...."
"You hit me,.."
She cut me short.
"We can discuss this ...."
"You are Brogan Lord...."
What an added disadvantage she f**king knew me..
"Listen I will pay you whatever you want...just please don't make this a scandal for me...some people must have seen me hit you already.....I would be going to the airport soon...I just don't need hindrances..."
"Take me with you..." She added.
I was confused..."Excuse me?"

"You said you would pay me anything I wanted...that's what I want."

"Bloody hell" I yelled "I meant in cash..."

"I have read alot about you Mr Brogan...look at this like an offer"

She seemed so confident. What was with her.
I had second thoughts about her...it felt fishy.
    "Our Common enemy is Denise Carson...you have the money and power and I have his Weaknesses in my hands..."

Now this got my attention, I gave a short laugh like how the hell did she know I hated Denise....this was to much i left the room to think. Still in the hallway I thought to myself.
       She's beautiful, has a child and has Denise Carson's Weaknesses.... She's exactly what I need in a woman right now...but how do I trust her?.

    "Sometimes Trust is a risk...Mr Brogan" I heard her voice behind me. She had startled me. Was this woman good with ghosting in and out.
      "And taking that risk depends on your output...you are still unsure till you get the surety."

"What's your name young lady?"
I asked intrigued by her personality.
"Melanie Walters..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Present day
"Alcantara you two should be quick" I called on her as she and Axel came out with their luggages.
She held my hand.
"Nervous..." I asked
And she nodded.
"I feel like I'm returning to my past"
I laughed. "We both are"
As we got into the car...she looked out the window thinking. I played with Axel all the while.

    Melanie had changed everything about her, her name, her identity. She did this cause she wanted to come out with a new personality...she was a blessing to me, expanding my business and even my new project...and made me a father too, and yes although Axel wasn't my biological son, I loved him and I respected his mother.
"We have arrived..." I announced as we got out of the car, I had purchased a huge mansion for all of us ..it was peaceful and beautiful, all the more the fountains the gardens everything was on point.

"This is alot Brogan..."
There she started again... Alcantara always in scolding mode.
"It's for my family....it's better this way.."
She didn't drag it any further. But smiled.
    Later in the evening after dinner and tucking Axel in bed we began to discuss buisness.
     "Now that we have signed a deal with the multi millionaire building company Saint Antonio corp, we still need many more companies to invest in ours"

    "You will go for the meeting...I feel nervous" I told her.
She laughed..."then there's going to be a plan B"

I thought about it.

"A plan B?"

"Yes....just wait and see i will make sure you sign with them, and imperial Suites and Brewery will be launched in all glamour...it will be a success"
She assured me.

"What would I ever do without you?"
I asked as we both gave each other a brief hug and drank till our heart was content.

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