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This time I had read what the trial was about so it wouldn't be a surprise.

I hated that Ethan had passed the first as he was pestering me all morning about how good he was.

"Like always I bet on mage Emersme." Eleric said, this time I took the seat next to him so we could talk.

"And like always I go with Mystery."

"Mystery? You are on first name basis now?"

"Better. We are courting."

"You gotta be pulling my leg." He was shocked I won our little bet of who got their mage first.

"No, it is official. You lost brother."

"I seem to lose to everything against you don't I?" He laughed, patting my shoulder. "So how is she?"

"Well I learnt many new interesting things. Brother I got to warn you about what she told me. Mages aren't taught how to identify emotions and learn from observing others, that might be a reason as to why you struggle with your mage."

"But he knows how he feels."

"But does he know how to act on them? Try being blunt... Worked for me."

"I'll heed your advise sister."

"Good, be ready for when I ask for my favor."

"Of course."

"Competitors!" Unlike yesterday today if was Calypso that spoke instead of Belladonna. "As you know several acres have been set up for this event but the next trial will not take place in here. The first trial was about mental strength and the second shall be abut you endurance! Each of you has been given a necklace with an orb, the orb will track you. The trial is of observation and direction along with endurance, each and everyone one of you will be set free on the obstacle course on which you need to navigate and search for the next obstacle, the first ten to complete the course will be exempt from the second part of the trial that will not yet be revealed. One rule my dear competitors, no casualties but anything else is in the rules! Remember this is elimination rounds like always so if you don't complete the course, don't follow the right way or get stuck somewhere you are out! Please and go!" She said.

No one moved for a while, awaiting in confusion before Mystery blasted herself in the air, sending her flying out of the crowd and into a sprint, being the first to get it.

I looked down at the little oval shaped white crystal I was holding, letting me see what the orb was seeing, how useful wild magic is.

It was shaky but I saw the race, the oval crystal showing through the orb of the first person.

For now it didn't switch off of Mystery as she jumped the river with her magic but even if she is good there were some catching up.

The view changed when someone ran passed her.

"Oh gods." I whispered when the orb showed Mystery kick in the nose of the man that had took her lead moments before.

I wouldn't find my way with all the hidden hints, I don't know how she wasn't getting lost. I couldn't even guess what thing was the hint.

"The water must be cold no?" Eleric asked, watching his own oval crystal, it showing the same scene.

"These are tough fights." I said, referring to this trial and the following ones.

I watched her freeze the ground and then lit up fire without using her hands for that as Emersme overtook her before she didn't seem to hurry to beat him in this race.

As Emersme turned to look at her I could clearly see the magical fire was tailing her, how?

Both looked confused lost in the cave before running down one of the paths.

I gasped as they grabbed each other and he threw her off the cliff opening they arrived at before some plant magic reached back to yank him after her and with the help of plants and a risky thing they landed well.

I thought they win as they ran towards us but I forgot Ethan and his annoying wild magic spell, like he knows four and yet he almost wins with it.

I held back a laugh as saw Mystery kick him down and tumbling into the field, landing herself the first place.

I smiled at her as she dropped of her orb on a necklace and left but not before glancing my way.

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